Page 28 of Legend
Ariana sat forward, her eyes pinching together. “Is everything okay?”
My friend’s genuine concern made my throat tighten. I might have a hard time trusting guys, but I had never been betrayed by one of my female friends. It had always been other womenwho had gotten me through rough patches, and I knew I could rely on Ariana no matter what. If only I could tell her about Vyk and our deal and the dark emotions it was stirring up.
But I’d made him promise not to breathe a word, and I owed him the same discretion. Besides, there was nothing happening between us, and nothing ever would.
When I didn’t answer right away, Ariana glanced over her shoulder to the open door, as if someone might be lingering outside the door and listening, which I seriously doubted. It was still early, and there were no classes and almost no cadets left to wander the halls. “Is it the visit from that inspector from Earth? The one you slept with and ditched?”
“I didn’t ditch him,” I protested, even though the words sounded hollow to my own ears. “It was a one-night deal. We were both clear on that. He never expected anything more.”
“Mmmhmm.” Ariana sat back again. “And it’s just a coincidence that he’s the one coming to check on the integration of humans at the academy.”
“It could be. Like I said, he was involved with the program.”
Ariana flicked her short, red fingernails through her hair. “And you’re sure there isn’t anything between you, any potential for something?”
I shook my head before giving her questions any real consideration. It didn’t matter if there was potential with Devon, or if he was exactly the kind of steady, successful guy I should be going after. I had zero interest in long-term relationships. I’d seen how they ended. I preferred my encounters to be fast and fun, with no chance of heartbreak.
Ariana held up her hands in mock surrender. “Okay, then I hope for your sake that this Devon guy feels the same way you do, and he’s not coming here expecting you two to pick up right where you left off. I hope he hasn’t been pining away for the best sex of his life since you snuck from his bedroom and hopped a transport to the Drexian Academy.”
I groaned. “Hardly. This guy is a captain who can get any woman he wants and often does. I wasn’t his first fling, and I can guarantee you I wasn’t his last. I’d be surprised if he’s thought about me at all since I left.”
“Yep,” Ariana deadpanned. “You are exactly the kind of woman that men forget—tall, blonde, drop-dead gorgeous, stacked and rocking a great ass.”
I grinned at her. “You think my ass is great? I’m touched.”
She rolled her eyes. “If I notice your ass, you can bet that every guy who walks by you does. I think you forget how hot you really are, Fi.”
“And I think you’ve very biased, but I appreciate it.”
She shook her head. “Think what you want, but I will eat of bowl of those slimy Drexian popping things if this inspector from Earth isn’t still into you.”
Considering my recent luck with wagers, I really should have known better, but my competitive nature made it possible for me not to bite, especially when I was just as certain that Devon would be all business when he arrived. “I’ll take that bet.”
“And if I’m right, and he’s still into you?”
“I’ll eat a bowl of the slimy popping things.” Even as I said it, I shuddered. “But trust me, you’re going to be the one digging in.”
Ariana wrinkled her nose. “You’ll be honest, right? You won’t try to hide it if he’s still interested, will you? I really hate those jiggling poppers.”
“You know I would never lie to you.” I put a hand on my heart and met her gaze, meaning every word. “I might like to play hard, but I never cheat.”
Ariana released a breath. “I know.” Then her smile returned. “Do we know when he arrives? I hate having the possibility of eating that disgusting dish hanging over my head.”
I actually didn’t know, but I suspected it would be soon. “Don’t worry. I won’t make you eat a big bowl.”
She stood and walked to the door. “Trust me, Fi. It’s not going to be me, but I’ll go easy on you, too. I’ll ask the kitchen for ones that aren’t as jumpy.”
I swallowed, trying not to think of choking down the Drexian dish comprised of still-moving, snail-like creatures. I honestly wasn’t sure which was worse—the arriving captain wanting to resume some sort of relationship or having to eat the hoppers.
Once Ariana had left, I slumped into my chair and released a breath. I hadn’t been successful at focusing on my work, so maybe I should take my friend’s not so subtle hint and go shower. I might not want Devon to be into me, but I didn’t want to look like a hot mess when he arrived.
The heavy footsteps outside my still-open door made my pulse trip. They did not belong to Ariana, that much I knew for sure. Who had tracked me down to my office?