Page 92 of Legend
“I hope not.” The Taori stroked a hand down the length of one horn as he walked away.
When he was out of ear shot, I pivoted back to Britta. “I’ve gotten used to the Taori being a bit enigmatic, but what is up with you?”
Britta released a tortured sigh. “I don’t know. The alien makes me nervous. I know I’m supposed to be acting as his liaison while he’s here, but every time I’m around him I feel like an idiot.”
I studied the female before grinning. She had a crush on the Taori. I put an arm around her shoulders. “I can help you, you know.”
She gave me a side-eye glance. “Help me with what?”
“Help you seduce the Taori, of course.”
Her eyes flared wide. “Seduce the…what? I didn’t say…wait, you can?”
“If there is one thing I am exceedingly good at, aside from battle, it is seduction. If you want to entrance the warrior, I can tell you how to do it.”
“But he’s Taori and you’re Drexian.”
I grinned at her. “Males are males.”
She studied me with suspicion. “Are you sure you know—?”
I cut off her protests by using a single finger under her chin to tip her gaze to meet mine. Then I stared deep into her eyes until I saw the all-too-familiar flash of heat. I leaned over so that my lips brushed her ear, and I felt her shudder. “Of course I am sure. Do you doubt me?” I pulled back to gaze into her eyes again as she nodded silently, but it was my breath that was quick and shallow. It was my voice that cracked when I finally spoke. “Good.”
Suddenly, I had the strongest urge to crush my lips to hers and see if her soft lips tasted as sweet as they looked, but I stepped back and cleared my throat. Britta was a cadet, and we had become friends. Friends who didnotkiss each other.
“So, you’ll teach me?”
I blinked at her, tearing my gaze from her curvy mouth. “What? Oh, yes. I will teach you.”
She smiled brightly as she started down the corridor, giving me a wave before turning away. “Thanks, Kann.”
I waited until she had rounded the corner to lean a hand against the wall so I would not stumble.Grekme. What had just happened, and what had I promised?
The Drexian reached a hand through the bars and stroked his fingers down the side of Sasha’s face, making heat stir in her core and her skin buzz with desire she had no business feeling. “I promise I will get you out, beautiful. I am looking forward to getting lucky.”
Sasha jerked her head away from the Drexian’s hand. “Don’t hold your breath, buddy.” She swung an arm wide. “We’re in cells. Separate cells. And I hate to be the one to break your heart, but this place is impossible to escape. Believe me, I’ve tried.”
The Inferno Force warrior grinned at her, white teeth flashing through the dark shadows. “Nothing is impossible, sweetheart.”
She narrowed her gaze at him. He was hot, but his arrogance was starting to wear on her. “You’re really going to have to stop calling me that.”
He twitched one shoulder. “I do not mind calling you Sasha. It suits you, beautiful.”
She almost laughed at him and the ridiculous situation. This was her rescuer? This cocky Drexian who seemed more interested in getting in her pants than getting her out of the prison was supposed to save her?
Sasha shook her head as she stepped away from the bars. “And what should I call you?”
“Deklyn from House Ashon.” He gave her a small bow.
“So, Deklyn, how did you pick the short straw?”
He wrinkled his brow. “Short straw?”
“Being sent into Kronock territory to find a POW probably wasn’t your first pick of assignments.”
He squared his shoulders. “I volunteered. We all did. There is no greater honor than bringing home a fellow warrior.”