Page 34 of Guard
Before Rixx, she hadn’t even believed it was possible for her to enjoy being with a man like women talked about. She’d always thought they were lying or at the very least, exaggerating. But after one night with Rixx, she knew it was possible. And it was something she’d probably never experience again.
She shot a murderous look at the curtain, her mental wanderings drifting into dangerous territory as she wondered who would really miss her husband if he was gone. People went missing all the time in the Den of Thieves. What was one more?
Before she could come up with a solid plan or talk herself out of murder, there was a soft knock on the door. Then her name was spoken on the other side of the door, the voice a velvet hum that shot desire straight to her core.
Zala’s face brightened, and she raced to the door before Myrria could stop her. She opened the door and wordlessly threw herself at Rixx.
The Dothvek wore a dark cloak that covered his head, but he pushed back the hood as he stepped inside, wrapping his arms around Zala and hugging her tightly.
She peered up at him. “I knew you wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”
Rixx smiled at her, but Myrria instantly sensed that he was there for another purpose. She picked up stirrings of passion, but also anger that seethed hot beneath his calm surface.
“What is it?” she whispered, instinctively glancing at the curtain. “Why have you come?”
“I had to talk to you.”
Myrria shook her head. She understood that he felt betrayed and hurt, but he’d been reckless coming to her house when her husband was sleeping in the next room. What if Tobert had been awake? What if he’d answered the door? What had Rixx been thinking? “You can’t be here. You need to go.”
His jaw was tight as he locked eyes with her. “You need to listen.”
He kept his voice low, but the energy between them crackled, and Zala stood between them, swinging her small head from side to side as she tracked their hushed argument.
“There is nothing more to say. I am not free.”
“Yes, you are.” His words were no longer whispered, but she didn’t know what he meant. Maybe on his planet there was no such thing as legal marriage or adultery, but there was on Kurril.
Before she could insist he leave before Tobert work up or pull him outside to continue the heated discussion in the alley, the curtain flew back.
Myrria’s stomach dropped as Tobert swaggered from the sleeping area. He was shirtless with his pants hanging low on his waist, which meant that he appeared even more wiry. Compared to the Dothvek, he looked almost like a child.
“You didn’t tell me we had company.” If Tobert realized that he was outmatched in size and strength, he didn’t let on. He walked with all the swagger of a man twice his size, although Myrria had always thought that men with half the brains had twice the bravado.
Zala shrunk back toward Rixx, which made Tobert’s gaze narrow in anger. Red splotched his cheeks as he eyed Rixx. “Is there a reason this fella is in my house?”
Myrria bit back the urge to tell him that this wasn’t his house because he hadn’t paid a coin of rent in years. That would only anger him more, and she did not want to have to deal with his rage once Rixx was gone.
“He’s a salesman who was just leaving,” Myrria said, heading for the door so she could push Rixx out it.
“Salesman?” Disbelief dripped off Tobert’s voice. “What is he selling?”
Myrria realized that Rixx held nothing and carried nothing. She could also sense a subtle shift in him as he moved his feet into a fighting stance.
Tobert ambled toward the chair and took his time picking up the jacket he’d discarded the night before. “I don’t think he’s a salesman at all.” He whipped out a blaster and leveled it at Rixx. “I think he’s that criminal the Zevrians are hunting, and I think I’m about to earn myself a big bounty.”
Myrria had stopped breathing. The blaster was pointed at Rixx, which meant it was also pointed at Zala who was standing close to him.
Tobert jerked his head at her. “If you don’t want me to shoot your friend, I’d go find something you can use to tie him up.”
Myrria didn’t doubt for a moment that Tobert would shoot Rixx. Now, she had to do whatever she could to keep him from doing that or turning Rixx over to the Zevrians. But first, she had to tie up Rixx and convince Tobert that she was on his side.
Rixx did not move, although his body vibrated with rage. Zala stood near him, but she did not run when her father pointed the blaster in her direction. She actually stepped closer, her small chin lifting.
Strangely, he could sense her anger—raw and fresh and unfiltered—just as strongly as he could feel his own. Rixx put a hand on her shoulder. “You should go with your mother.”