Page 14 of Demon Rejected
“Mount Rainier. No worries, we are shielded by magic. No one can find us. And it’s just you and me, for safety reasons."
“But I’m not free to go?"
“Technically, you are, but I just can’t let you. Little Flame, you can barely stand on your feet. Let me help you understand yourself better."
“Are you going to Miyagi me?"
Mountain Man laughed. “What does a young wolf like you know about Mr. Miyagi?"
“Oh, please. I love old movies from the 80s and the 90s," I said old before I had a chance to think. I realize that I put my foot in my mouth and that now, he believes I think he’s old. So why do I care about what he thinks? Fuck, Scar, just shut the fuck up. “I mean, they’re not old, I mean, like, they’re classic."
“It’s okay, Little Flame. I know you’re a millennial and I’m an old fart!"
Damn, if all old farts looked like him. Yummy. I felt all the blood rising into my cheeks.
“I need a time frame. I can’t stay longer than one week."
He started to massage his chin, I noticed that he had a few silver hairs on his temples, and my hands ached to touch it.
Stop it, are you crazy, woman?
“How about we make a deal? You put your heart and your back into it and train with me. Then, when you can shift into a wolf and back, you’re free to go. I’ll even drive you wherever you want."
He stretched his hand toward me, and I took it, having no idea what I got myself into? His skin was warm. His calloused hand showed me he was used to physical labor.
“I don’t even know your name."
“I’m Matt, but you can keep calling me Mountain Man if you like."
I blushed deeply.
“How did you know? I mean, sorry. I’m Scarlett."
“Scarlett, I knew your name. I have your file from the organization I work with. So I know about your time in the system and your proclivity toward fire. Me and your Fire Wolf are going to be good friends."
“This is why you call me Little Flame?"
“Sorry, that was not appropriate. I don’t want to upset you. I gave you the nickname when I saw you strapped down in the bed. Your hair looked like a flame."
“Yeah, what’s the deal with those guys? That institution looked great until it wasn’t." I bit my lip, flashes of memories returned to me.
“I’ll tell you the details that I am allowed to share with you. From the Dark Ages, the church financed different orders to deal with supernatural activities. But, as time went by, some high-ranking human found out about our existence. Some of the youngest shifters, especially those who have no clue what they are, are caught and experimented on. The people I work with disagree. We believe that life is holy and that each creature has a right to live. Your file, the fires made them think that you are more. They probably pushed you through extreme pain to make you shift."
Fear gripped me in its icy claws. “Are they going to follow me?"
“No, they think that you and the others we saved are dead. I burned down the building. You’re free to live a normal life if you choose to, or you can find out more about Shifter Nation and join our ranks.”
I yawned. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t stop myself.
“Can I decide tomorrow?"
“Yes, you need rest. I’ll be here, on the floor. If you need something, call me, okay?"
“Yes, Little Flame?"
“Do you snore?"