Page 49 of Demon Rejected
“Yes? You danced in LA, right. Who did you meet?"
“I danced in LA, but I’ll keep my clients confidential."
She smiled. “I see. You are an intelligent woman. I can only respect that."
“I have a mind for business and a body for sin.”
Amy smiled. “I loved that movie so much.”
“Me too."
“Autumn, fingers crossed, you have my vote. Now all you need to do is go up that stage and perform well."
I nodded. Everything in life is a test, and this was a test as well.
Everything around this place was expensive and elegant, and there were no cameras; that struck me as odd. Amy opened the door to a room full of mirrors and light. Three other girls: a dark-haired beauty who looked Asian, a cute blonde, and a brunette. After a short greeting, I sat down in front of my mirror and started to do my makeup and apply oil on my skin.
I realized I didn’t have a routine, only a good memory. All I could do was try to dance something and hope they would like the way I looked. I opened my senses in the hope of detecting Matt. He rejected me but was still my fated mate, the one my wolf cried out to. Swiping my V card didn’t help, not as much as I hoped it would.
I should have fucked Ziggy. Ugh.
Thinking about Ziggy, I could feel the heat creeping up my neck and warming my face. I ignored him. He would have cured my broken heart. As much as I researched in the HQ library, all I could come up with about Fire Wolves was that they stayed away from regular shifters. Maybe this is why I didn’t ever feel the need to run with the SN pack. At the end of the day, as much as they wanted to be cool and appear as an organization, they’re still a pack, and I don’t want to become a part of it.
“Autumn, your turn.”
The door opened and a bulky guy with short-cropped hair called me to dance. I hope that my strong, athletic body will help me. During the flight, I did all I could to learn a few dance routines. Good. I picked an old-school song that helped me move, Baby Boy by Beyonce. I wore a sparkly red top and skirt.
Because the light shined toward me from the stage, I could not see the people in the room. I could smell them. Matt’s scent covered one of them. Damn.
My wolf cried out. She wanted to jump the guy and kill him. She was up, her teeth bared and ready to fight. I had to take a few deep breaths and start my number. Matt is here, and it is of the utmost importance I find him and get him out of here.
My body moved with the music. With each new beat, my heart shattered, again and again. I closed my eyes, trying to lose myself in the performance, and relived the night he rejected me without a good explanation. Why didn’t he wanted to give me a try? Because he killed the Fire Alpha? I don’t even know the Fire Alpha. What do I care about something that happened so long before my time?
I felt the same way I did in my dreams of fire. Sparky floated next to me. She was large and enraged. She also felt Matt somewhere nearby and wanted to rip some heads off looking for him. It was so easy to forget and plunge yourself into the freedom of fire. Breathing in and out, I forced Sparky back. She laid down next to my red-coated wolf. They both looked like scorned puppies.
The music stopped, and so did I.
A slow clapping started in the back of the room.
“I have to say, I’m impressed." A thick male voice filled the room. “I was sure that I knew all the Vegas talent, but you’re amazing."
My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, and I could see him. I was still wearing my bikini bottoms while my breasts were uncovered. As a shifter, nudity is fine with me.
I smiled. “Thank you."
“That was an awesome performance, Miss Autumn."
I smiled, bowed, and grabbed my clothes from the stage, then returned to the dressing room. That man, he smelled like Matt, he must be that Grayson guy Ziggy spoke of.
* * *
I opened my thermos and took another sip of lukewarm coffee. The heat of the desert wasn’t bothering me as much as this endless waiting did. She was inside the house and I was here, watching the house and hoping Scarlett would be okay. I should have never allowed her to become part of the mission. Since the first day I met her, my base instinct was to protect her, but I knew that someone who went through so many bad things like Scarlett would never allow me to take care of her, protect her, and love her. She’s stubborn and challenges me badly each time we’re together, and still, I can’t wait to spend more time with her.
Stupid old wolf.
Each time I meet her at SN, jealousy rises inside me. All those young guys moving around her and trying to get a piece of her. Damn, how could Matt reject her? I asked him because I knew, and he tried to kill me. It was the first fight Matt and I had in wolf form in over fifty years. He’s stronger than me, and I gave in. The scar Scarlett created on his soul was fresh. But why give up on such a great woman? She could work with him. She’s not a coward. If anything, this girl is too brave for her own good.