Page 67 of Demon Rejected
“Thank you, Sparky. Let me introduce you to Azzuro."
Alessandro closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The wolf that looked as if he was made of electricity and thunder appeared in front of him.
“I’m an Air Wolf. And this is Azzuro."
“Oh, wow." I sounded like a blabbing idiot, but what the fuck.
Sparky and Azzuro sniffed each other, and damn, that was funny to watch because they acted like two pups in the dog park. Sparky sent me feelings of love, happiness, and warmth. They started playing. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. How happy she was. It was the first time she interacted with another wolf except for mine.
“They’re best friends now," Alessandro said with a smile. “Come, Scarlett. Sit next to me and let’s talk. There’s a reason I’m here."
“I’m intrigued."
“I don’t know how much you know about our legends. We’re creatures with three sides--human, beast, and magic. Our magic is of demonic origin. It is what it is. Having a demonic part doesn’t make us evil. Each creature can choose its path, whether it’s good or evil or more of the grey variety. Our kind. You know the five magic tribes, yes?"
I knew them, but it was lovely listening to Alessandro. “Can you give me a refresh?"
“Sure, Bella. I’m an Air Wolf, but that isn’t limited to the wind. I can control all elements of the sky: wind, clouds, thunder, and lightning. The Water Wolf can control rivers, lakes, and the tide, but they can call on rain, too. Earth Wolves control growth and earthquakes. Fire Wolves, like you, have amazing power. You have the strength of destruction, too. And then, a special kind of wolves are empaths, soul whisperers. They understand the emotions and can influence them accordingly. These five were royalty until some of our leaders got greedy, intoxicated by power, and sided with demons from Hell. It was all a mess up. It ended with the shifter having to hunt and kill most of our people who entered the packet with the demons. They were wrong, I agree, but our kind was almost extinct.
“There are a few of us living in a small chateau in France and learning to work with our abilities. We are not like they are, he looked towards the door, and our sword duty is to protect the shifters and humans from demons. We’re missing a Fire Wolf. You’re the only one known to us to be complete. I was here, on the mission to find you and protect you before the demons got you, but I see that you are doing a great job at taking care of yourself."
He smiled.
“What are you trying to say?"
“Straight to the chase, right?"
“Come with me. Meet the gang. Train with us. If you like it, you’re more than welcome to stay. If not, we’ll all understand and hope that one day you’ll change your mind."
I looked at him.
“We have an Empathic Wolf, too. He could help you with your mate."
“How do you know about that?"
“Shifter, I have good hearing. I am sorry about it. As long as he’s alive, there’s hope. I wish I could do more to help."
“How many of you are there?"
“Wow, that many?"
“Yes. We’re the last of our kind. Most of us grew up orphaned, hidden. I am lucky, I have a twin sister, and our grandmother raised us. She’s there, too, but she’s too old to fight. She became the pack’s Granny. We all see her as family now."
“Can I bring a few friends? Would that be possible?"
“Sure thing, we want diplomatic relationships with other packs."
“Who’s Alpha?"
“No one. Each clan has an Alpha, but as a pack, we’re equal and work together. Our aware wolf helps smooth things over when we fight. His name is Vladimir. You’ll like him."
“Can I think about this?"