Page 50 of Princess of Hell
She looked me up and down. “I could, you know. But what’s in it for me?”
“Clotho, you’re immortal. You can travel through time and space and alter destinies. What could you want?”
She crashed on the gaming chair. “I can’t get further in the game. It’s so frustrating. See, each time I try to pass the dragon, it attacks me and rips off my head. If you can help me get to the next level, I’ll open a portal and send you to Silver.”
She smiled her brown toothy grin towards me.
“I’ll try.”
I was not in the mood to playDragon Questbut, luckily for me, I’ve played it before, many times, and knew how to pass the damn dragon. Easy.
As soon as I had Clotho through the quest, she high-fived me and jumped around like a weird geek boy.
“You should visit more often and hang out. I can get games that have not been created yet.”
“Clotho, you know I’d love to.”
She gave me a light slap over my head.
“I know, I know. I’ll try to visit you more often.”
Leaning her head back, she opened a third eye on her forehead. Her skin was so old and pale. It was deeply crinkled, even the lines having lines, while the texture made me think of chalk. I expected her skin would start to flake, and the flakes would fall to the floor like flour.
“I can send you to her. Do you have what you need? She’s in the human realm.”
I touched my pocket. My phone was there. Being the Prince of Hell gave me advantages. I have unlimited money, cars, and other stuff in the human realm. Demons are rich.
“I’m ready.”
“Do you want me to send that buddy of yours with you? Blockhead out there?”
Clotho didn’t like Carson. Not being liked by The Fates was not good. She didn’t dislike him, but she was not a fan.
“Can you send him with me?”
Clotho clucked her tongue. “You have no idea what I can do, dear boy.”
“Clotho, my rock star Goddess, I know I can’t touch your knowledge. You are almighty.”
She smiled, a full smile with her very brown teeth and cracked lips. Her wrinkles united on her forehead.
“Pay up.”
She puckered her lips. Ugh. I knew what she wanted.
“Clotho, you bad girl,” I smirked.
“Make an old girl happy.” She winked with her third eye, the eye that looked milky grey, covered with thick skin.
I closed my eyes, put my arm around Clotho, pressed her against me, and kissed her on the top of her head.
She chuckled.
“Clotho, you can’t tempt a demon who’s about to get married. It’s not fair. Who could compete with you?”
She cackled again. Her fingers touched together, and a huge portal opened where the flat-screen TV stood moments ago.
“Go. Off with you. I’ll send Dumbo after you pass.”