Page 61 of Princess of Hell
“What’s with the other guy, the one who isn’t a wolf shifter?” Caspian asked.
“Preach? Well, it’s a funny story. He’s human but has visions of me, and we’re somehow connected.”
“A soul mirror. How strange. I’ve read about those but never believed I’d meet one.”
“Soul mirror. Is that a thing?”
“Yes. It’s a strong, deep connection between one of us and a Demon. He can live in our dimension. He’s part of you.”
I nodded. The way Caspian explained it made sense to me.
“Let’s go inside,” said Caspian. “I’m sure Lilith is anxious to see you.”
I took his hand and we entered the house. The image in front of me left me speechless.
Lilith, with her long, straight, cherry-red hair, was bent over the body of the dead shifter. The body lay on a plastic tarp on her kitchen table. Jacks was next to her, holding a tray with jars, and Preach held the shifter’s head.
“Where’s River?”
“He has an upset stomach. Can you believe it? A shifter who gets sick during an autopsy.” Lilith laughed. She looked up, a knowing smile on her lips. “Silver, my dear girl, I see you two met.”
“You knew he was here?”
She shrugged. “Guilty. The two of you had to meet eventually, sooner better than later. You know me. I believe a woman should have a say in her destiny. I don’t care if The Fates decided you were a good match. If you click, you click. There are many forms of love.”
I nodded.
Caspian walked over to the body and studied it.
“What are you doing?” I was curious.
“Well, Jacks talked to me about the way this shifter acted and the way the shifter that attacked you and River in Miami ate the Incubi. That’s weird. Succubi and Incubi don’t have natural enemies. Drae believes they’re drugged. But that doesn’t explain the changes in their physical appearance and the huge change in their behavior. Unless they were under the influence of Dragon Grass.”
“How?” I looked at him, frozen in shock. Dragon Grass is a dangerous drug forbidden in my father’s realm.
“It’s legal in the Nether Region. They grow it. Shifters love it. It makes them stronger and helps them shake off inhibitions.”
I still found it hard to believe. “They couldn’t eat enough of it to explain the physical changes.”
“True,” added Lilith. “But what if they turned Dragon Grass into concentrated pills?”
“No way!”
Lilith pushed her hair back. “I smelled something funny on the dead guy, poor man. Dragon Grass explains the rage and the need to eat Demon flesh. But why would a shifter take such pills?”
Lilith moved her hand absently over the head of the dead guy. He was rather handsome and looked peaceful now that he was dead. I was sorry for him. My heart hurt.
“Can you find out who this is, Jacks? Maybe if I know from what pack he comes from, we can find out who is selling Dragon Grass.”
I felt a wave of guilt that a weed from my dimension got into the human realm and intoxicated these poor souls.
Jacks cleared his throat. “I’ll send a pic and samples to Razor. He doesn’t look like it, but he’s capable of finding almost anything. If something is happening, he’ll know.”
Preach took a deep breath and left the room. I walked behind Preach. He was the delicate, sweet part of my soul, and seeing him in pain hurt me badly.
I caught up with him outside in the garden. It was a beautiful night. Crickets sang. Preach leaned against the wall of Lilith’s house.
“Hey.” I used a soft voice and touched his upper arm gently with my gloved hand.