Page 12 of Sprite
“Hello,” he shouted into the phone. “This better be good.” He didn’t check the caller ID and when he heard Sprite’s voice on the other end of the call, whispering to him, he felt like an asshole.
She had left earlier that morning when Bowie came by to take her to work, as he had for weeks now. “He’s here,” she whispered.
“Honey, you have to talk a little bit louder. Who’s there?” he asked.
“Jake is at my office. He’s being detained by security, but he’s shouting my name. What should I do?” she asked.
“Is Bowie still there?” he asked.
“He had a meeting at the bar to go to. I’m here alone,” she whispered.
“I’ll leave here in a few. You won’t be alone for long,” he assured. “Stay on the phone with me, honey,” he ordered. Chains pulled on a pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt. He looked like he was about to run to the gym and not head to his girlfriend’s office to beat the shit out of her stalker. “Also, have someone call the cops. Tell them that Jake has been stalking you.” He was going to take her to put in a restraining order against Jake as soon as this mess was over. There was no way that he’d let Jake get to Sprite ever again.
“Stay in your office and lock the door,” he ordered. Savage had heard that Jake was running all over town, telling anyone who would listen that he was looking for Sprite. He foolishly decided to ignore him, but now, he wished that he hadn’t.
“All right,” she agreed. “How long before you get here?” she asked. Chains hated hearing so much fear in her voice.
“Not long,” he promised. “I’m getting into my truck now, and I can avoid traffic by taking backroads.”
“Don’t do anything crazy, Chains,” she begged.
“Deal, as long as you promise me the same thing,” he said. “Just stay out of sight. I’ll be there in a few minutes, honey,” he promised.
“I’m looking for a girl named Sprite,” Jake shouted again. He sounded as though he was getting closer to finding her office and Chains worried that he wouldn’t get to Sprite in time. There was no telling what that mother fucker would do to her if he found her. He had seen Jake’s handiwork firsthand, and her bruises were finally almost healed after one month. He wouldn’t let that asshole touch her again, not if he could help it.
“I’ve got to go out there,” she whispered. “He was able to grab a gun off of one of the security guard’s and I’m worried that he’ll shoot one of my co-workers.” Chains wanted to tell her that he didn’t give a fuck about her co-workers, but he decided against it. Telling Sprite that would only have her running out of heroffice to play the hero. His girl had a big heart, and she would take a bullet for just about anyone on the planet.
“Wait, honey,” he breathed, trying to keep a level head. “Let’s think this through.”
“What’s there to think through?” she asked him. “If I don’t go out there, he’s going to end up doing something stupid and shooting someone else. None of this is my co-worker’s fault.”
“It’s not your fault either, Sprite. You’ve done nothing wrong. Jake is in the wrong and if you go out there, he won’t hesitate to take you—or worse. I don’t think that I could bear that,” he whispered. “Please, for me, just stay where you are. I’m almost there, honey. Did someone call the cops?” he asked.
“Yes,” she whimpered. “Angie in the office next to mine held up a note telling me that she called them as soon as he pulled a gun. We share a glass wall, and I can see her hiding under her desk. God, this his all my fault. Everyone in here is being terrorized by a madman and I can stop him.”
“I’m one mile from your office and about ten cop cars just sped by me with their lights on. I’m betting that they are coming to you, honey. Just stay on the phone with me a while longer and I’m betting that they’ll take care of Jake.”
“I’ll give them two minutes to get here and then, I’m going out there Chains,” she insisted. He could hear the resolve in her voice, and he knew she meant every word. If he or the cops didn’t get to the office to stop Jake, Sprite would walk out of her office and end up getting herself killed.
“I can hear the sirens,” she whispered. “Do you think he’ll just give up?” she asked.
“I don’t know honey, but you need to let the cops do their job. I’m guessing that Jake is a big enough coward that he’ll end up turning himself over to them.” He just hoped to God that was the truth.
“I think that the police are coming in,” she whispered. “Jake is shouting at them to find me. He said that he’s not going anywhere until he finds me. I’ve got to do this, Chains,” she breathed. “I’m so sorry.” He shouted at the other end of the line, still begging her to wait. He pulled into the office parking lot and barely parked his truck. Chains ran into the building and up two flights of steps, not waiting for the elevator. And when he got to the top of the steps, he found the cops surrounding Jake; Sprite standing across the room from him. Jake’s smile was mean as he told her that she was nothing, and God, Chains wanted to bust his nose again. He couldn’t stand the way that Jake was talking to her or looking at her, but he knew that any action against Jake would only have him sharing a cell downtown.
“Sir, this is a crime scene,” a police officer said, stopping him at the doorway. Three other cops led Jake out of the common area and when he passed Chains he smiled and nodded, as if they were old friends.
“I’ll be seeing you both real soon,” he whispered to Chains as he passed him. It took every ounce of his restraint not to go after Jake. He watched as Sprite crossed the room and practically jumped into his arms. His answer was clear—he belonged here with her and that’s where he’d stay.
“He’s my boyfriend,” she said to the cop, “and I’d like him here with me.”
“Fine,” the cop said. “We’ll need you to stick around so that we can ask you a few questions,” the officer said.
“No problem,” Chains said, looking around Sprite’s body that was still plastered up against his. The cop seemed satisfied with his answer and walked across the room. “What happened?” he asked.
“I walked out here, and I guess that was the distraction that the cops needed. They had Jake disarmed and on the floor in just seconds. It all happened so fast, it’s still a blur.”
“I’m just glad that you’re okay,” he whispered, tugging her tighter against his body. “So, I’m your boyfriend now?” he teased.