Page 16 of Don't Howl At Me
“I’m never going to live that down,” I mumbled, leading Alec to the stairs.
“Don’t worry,” Alec said. “I am sure you will get some of his stories from his brother soon. That’s what family does. Embarrass you in front of your mate. You will do it to me one day, too.”
“I guess.” I huffed playfully. “But did you have to tell that one?”
“Sorry, dude,” Alec chuckled. “It was Moo-Moo or the time you wrote a love letter to that guy from the boy band professing your undying devotion. I thought I chose the lesser of the two.”
“I so can’t wait until you find your mate.” I was already starting to plan the tales I would tell. “Remember that when you are tempted to tell more stories.”
“But the muffins—”
“You will get muffins. Just no more teenage Ollie or baby Ollie tales.”
“We’ll see.”
I shook my head and gave up. Wolf would know my whole backstory before Alec’s visit ended. I wouldn’t have been able to resist a good muffin, either.
Chapter Nine
Ollie walked back into my life a month ago and, every day, he showed me another layer of himself to love. Even the way he clicked his tongue when thinking hard over a case planted itself firmly into my heart. And the sex. I had never before experienced a tenth of the passion we shared. Our bodies and desires fit in a way that I had always craved. I thanked the goddess daily for guiding him back to me.
The only issue I had this month was that we needed to uncover the culprit behind the attacks at the training center. Alec had been a tremendous help in thinking of new directions. He even uncovered leads to other mysteries about the coven, pack, and clan. Overall, I was glad that we had extra eyes looking into everything.
Unfortunately, the source behind the attacks remained unknown. Every lead led to a dead end. Sometimes literally, like when we tracked down the hackers and found them in their tech cave. Someone had spiked their energy drink shipment and taken the whole team down. I wouldn’t be drinking Lyfe energy water again after that discovery.
The only good thing was that they seemed to have stopped. For now, at least. We were keeping vigilant about security, but there had been no sign of foul play since we called GSC. Perhaps the mastermind heard about their involvement and decided to quit while ahead. Not being caught but failing to achieve the main goal had to be better than getting busted by the council. Nasty rumors about what the board did with their prisoners would have kept me on the right side of their laws. The council had no mercy for the ones who couldn’t or wouldn’t redeem themselves.
Zander’s brother Angus had been behind some drama last year for the coven-clan-pack. Magically poisoning his father so that cancer would weaken him faster, attacking Zander, and trying to take over the clan. A lot unfolded in their investigation of him. Not once did he appear regretful of his actions. When the case was finished within the council, Angus disappeared. However, Zander told Rayne they had him in the most powerful of cells deep in the basement of one of their isolated facilities. That might have been worse than death, honestly.
“Whatcha doing?” Rayne came over to my desk, eating pistachios. He fell in love with them during the last pregnancy and hadn’t kicked the craving yet. I stole a handful from his bowl. I shared his love for the snack.
“Deciding if I can leave early and try to knock up my mate?” I joked. “Zander seems to have fun doing that to you.”
“Isn’t Alec still staying with you? I wouldn’t think you guys had much alone time.”
“Alec flew home today to take care of a few family matters.”
“I wish I had known. I would have told him goodbye. He was a great asset for us and a pretty fun person to get to know.” Rayne frowned.
“I think he will be back soon,” I said. “Now, what do you have for me? I want to get home early today and start making Wolfie Juniors.”
Rayne stuck his tongue out at me. “Just ask Ollie first if he wants to have babies now or wait a while.”
Fuck, that is something I forgot to ask him. Idiot. Does he even want kids?
Rayne laughed. “I take it by thatoh fuck nolook on your face right now that you forgot that part of the mating process.”
“Yep,” I said. “We just went for it and didn’t discuss little mini-mes being possible. After waiting for him for so long and finally getting a chance to move on from the past, we both jumped in without talking about details.”
“Oh no,” Rayne said. “Not mini-Wolf pups running around. Nope, I’m petitioning the goddess tonight to make it a mini-Ollie.”
“Shut up.” I smacked his arm playfully. “He’s not pregnant. I’m sure he is on the shot or something. That is probably why he didn’t bring it up yet.”
“Why don’t you head out? I know your brain won’t be on anything work related. Besides, I think I’ll go home early, too, and bathe. My back has been killing me all day.”
“Maybe it’s from carrying babies so often?” I suggested. “Or ginormous eggs?”