Page 24 of Don't Howl At Me
“Yes. No rumors are being spread, and the truth spells didn’t pick up any lies.” Rayne shifted in his seat and closed his notebook.
“That’s what I thought you’d tell me. But I’m glad we are double-checking everyone.”
“So we have no idea who could be behind this whole thing.” Rayne reached over to the conference table and refilled his coffee mug.
“No.” I held my mug out to him, and he filled it as well. “There are no leads. Everything has dried up. No messages were sent to us. There have been no demands made. I have no idea where to look next.”
“It’s strange letting it go at this point. Let’s keep on researching.”
“I do, too.” I took a long sip from my mug.
“Let’s get some lunch and go over this one more time. What do you want? I’ll send Zander to get it.”
“Isn’t he busy training today? I thought Ollie said he was helping him train a few of the new GSC recruits sent from the council today.”
“Oh, they are.” Rayne typed a message into his phone before putting it down again. “They are almost done for the day, however. And I think he would want to get us lunch. He’s been doing a lot for me lately. He thinks my body dealt with too much by having back-to-back pregnancies.”
“What do you think? Is he right?” Worry swirled in my mind. “Did the doctors say something was wrong?”
“No. The doctors said that everything was fine. They don’t think there are any issues.” Rayne reached out and squeezed my hand. “They did say that we probably should wait two years if we plan to try for more children.”
“That’s probably a good idea. The three you have need their papa safe and healthy.”
“I’ve decided to go on to the pill. Hopefully, that will help.” Rayne shook his head and chuckled. “But Zander has super dragon sperm that defeated suppressors last time I took it. So we’ll see what happens.”
“Super dragon sperm? That’s funny.”
“I try.” Rayne typed in his phone again. “Zander responded and told me he’s taking Ollie with him to grab us all lunch. Now tell me, how are things going with you and Ollie?”
“Things are great.” My body relaxed thinking about my beautiful mate.
“Even after that crazy omega encounter the other night? I’m surprised you didn’t burn the bed.”
“He wanted to. But we ended up just stripping everything down and buying new items. The pack service came by and did a deep and thorough cleaning. No trace remains.”
“You still have no clue who could be behind that?” Rayne had focused on the attacks while I worked on that case.
“I shook my head. “I called everyone I recall having a history with, and no one had a reason to screw with Ollie and me or had issues with our families.”
“I believe the omega incident and the attacks are connected,” Rayne said.
“Ollie thinks the same. But I don’t know anyone else it could be? It’s been a year since I’ve slept with anyone else. Wouldn’t they have come out of the woodwork by now?”
“Ollie just came back to accept your mate bond. Jealousy will make you do some crazy stuff.”
“Do you think that’s what’s happening here?” Frustration filled me at the thought.
“I don’t know. It’s just intuition. My magic is telling me that the two are linked somehow.” Rayne checked his phone. “Anyone in your past have the power to pull any of this off?”
“I can’t think of anyone we haven’t already interrogated in the first couple weeks. My exes were all dismissed as innocent.”
“How about anyone with enough influence or wealth to hire loyalty from so many freelancers?”
“My bones are telling me it is related.” Rayne pushed away from the table and walked to the other side of the room. The bitter bite of his frustration in the air.
“And your bones never lie.” I could always rely on Rayne’s intuition. It pointed to the attacks and omega setup being linked. And that meant this was my fault.