Page 35 of Don't Howl At Me
Think, Ollie. Think.
My best solution would be to shift into a dragon and destroy the fuckers, but whatever wards they had in place for anti-magic also locked down any shifting. I couldn’t communicate with my dragon right now, which scared me.
Keys jingled, and the doorknob turned. Panic swarmed me as I stood in front of my children. I’d protect them until my dying breath.
Goddess, don’t let that be today.
A petite omega with red hair and green eyes glared at me as he entered the room. The guards from earlier weren’t visible from where I stood. Were they still out there?
“I don’t see what he sees in you.” The omega examined me, a frown on his face. “He could have had me but went with you? Why?”
“What are you talking about?” Confusion filled me. Was this little bitch about to share too much information? In movies, the villain would have a chance to end the hero but instead gave a lengthy monologue, spilling all the secrets. That would be a good thing right now. It would give my mate time to rescue us. Or give me time to figure out how to take this guy down.
“Wolf. He could have settled with me. Instead, he treated me like trash,” the omega explained.
“My mate? Are you fucking serious? Is this over pride or something? Can’t you just get another dude to fuck? Why are you wasting your time on this?” Great, not only were my children and I kidnapped, but the idiot behind it was one of my mate’s ex-conquests.Oh goddess. Why do jilted bitches get so dumb over someone?
“I had him before you ever did. We connected on a level you’ll never understand. Then, the next morning, he saw you. I was forgotten.”
“Um, yeah. That’s usually how it works with fated mates.”
“Please,” the omega hissed. “Fated mates are a joke.”
No, a joke is an omega like you.
“So what? You saw us together and decided to kidnap the kids and me? Do you think that will magically make Wolf fall in love with you? Don’t you think he will more likely want to kill you?”
“No,” the omega sneered. “I’ve been working on getting his attention for weeks. It took about a year to get the plans into place. I was almost ready to prove I was good enough to be a part of his powerful family. Then you came back, and it all went to hell. Why couldn’t you stay away? The attacks were almost over.”
“You were involved in the attacks on the training center?” I was surprised this omega could pull off that level of magic.
“With some help,” he replied. “That little visit to your house a while back, too.” The stupid bitch laughed in my face. “How long did it take you to get the stench of that stupid omega’s slick out of the room?”
“What the fuck? What was the point of that?” I was annoyed with this idiot, but if I kept him talking, Wolf would have the chance to get here. “How the fuck did you pull that off?”
“The point was to force you to leave. But you had to believe Wolf. It seems I hired that alpha to pretend to be him for no reason.”
Ah, so that’s what happened.
“Is anyone in the plan with you? Or are they just all hired hands, then?” I needed to gather more intel to kill more time.
“Just me—and my family’s money and connections. You can find anyone to do anything for the right price.”
Was this omega seriously going to spill all?
“But why is Wolf worth all this to you?” I asked. “He’s not your fated mate. He didn’t want you past that one night. Why waste your time, energy, and money on someone like that?”
“Because he’s mine.” The omega sprinted toward me and screamed in my face, “You ruined it all.”
This dude is seriously unhinged.
“What the fuck is that?” I asked, running to my babies. I had to keep them safe.
An eerie smile bloomed on the omega’s face. “Wolf has come to rescue you and your children. Such a shame he’s going to be too late.”
The next few seconds were a blurred flurry of motion. The fucking omega pulled an ancient-looking dagger out from his hoodie and came in for an attack.