Page 12 of I Can't Bear It
“Okay, Papa. Love you.” Georgi hugged Peter before running off to his room.
“He’s a good boy.” I came up behind Peter and wrapped my arms around his waist. “You are a great papa.”
“Thanks.” Peter leaned back into me and sighed. “I tried hard to raise him to be the type of man I would be proud of. It was hard sometimes around his father’s family and friends. But we kept Georgi and me away from most of it. I hope I did enough to keep him from becoming the type of man that—”
When Peter didn’t continue, I turned him around and lifted his face so he could look me in the eyes when I spoke. “You are the best man I have met, and the best papa Georgi could have wished for. That boy doesn’t show any signs of being in danger of becoming the type of adult you wouldn’t be proud of. Trust that you did your best and that everything will be okay.”
For the next few moments, Peter just stared at me with a small uptilt of his lips. I stood there holding him, letting himsee no lies in my words. “I love you, Karl. I am so happy to be carrying your child.”
“I love you too. We will be amazing parents to all our children—Georgi, this one, and any others that may come. Now, do you want the good news I promised?”
“Yes, please. But can we go sit down? My back is starting to ache. We have a few more minutes until the garlic bread is done. Hit me with the good stuff.”
“I spoke with Wolf today, and he had some news on Alessandro.” I led Peter to the kitchen table and sat beside him. “According to the information they received, your ex has signed the divorce papers, and a judge has already reviewed and put through the decree. Having friends who can pull strings and speed up the process must be nice. But you are officially free with sole custody of Georgi.”
“Are you serious?” Peter closed his eyes, wiping a tear from the corner. “This seems a bit too easy. Doesn’t it?”
“It does.” I reacted similarly to the news when Wolf showed me the folder, so I couldn’t blame Peter for being wary. “But it seems that he also has found a new omega and put a ring on his finger, so I’m cautiously optimistic that this is over for you.”
“Oh no. That poor omega.”
“Don’t feel too bad. Frankie knows a lot about what he is getting himself into. I bet the families are all rejoicing right now, and it’s part of the reason why Alessandro is letting you walk away so easily.”
“Do you think we can stay here for a little bit longer? Until we are confident Alessandro is out of our lives for good?” Peter grabbed my hand and searched my face. “I am just nervous.”
“I don’t think they mind us staying here. We will keep you guys safe.” I squeezed his hand. “Wolf also had a proposition for me today.”
“Oh yeah?”
“He asked if I wanted to start working at the training center on a special project they are developing. The benefits are amazing, and the position sounds like something I would love to do. He told me to talk it over with you and let him know by the end of the week.”
“Do you want to take it?”
“I think I do.” I grabbed the red folder and handed it to him. “Here. Let’s review the information together and decide as a family. It will affect all four of us, after all.”
“True.” Peter flipped through the pages, eyes wide with excitement. “But I think I might already be all in. This looks incredible.”
“I know.” I kissed his forehead and stood. “You keep looking over the information, and I’ll finish dinner.”
Chapter Eight
Incessant itching was driving me mad, I needed to let my beast out and was sure Georgi felt the same.
“Let’s go out and shift after breakfast.” I poured more fresh-squeezed orange juice into each of our glasses. “My bear wants to stretch his legs and sniff the area a bit, and I know Georgi would love to play in the field behind the living accommodations. We haven’t had much of a chance to explore yet.”
“That sounds like a great idea.” Karl finished the last bite of his chocolate chip pancake and wiped his mouth. “I could use a good flight around the area.”
“I wish I could fly.” My son looked adorable with his little pout. One day, the pouting would get old, and he’d have to stop, but for now, I just wanted to cuddle him whenever I saw his lips pull down like that.
“Well, I know it’s not the same as being a shifter who can fly, but maybe one day, I can take you on a flight with me. Not today. And your papa would have to approve it first. Rayne and his brother Wolf showed me a few contraptions at the training center that allow dragon shifters to carry passengers safely strapped to them. I can show them to you both and see if that is something we can do, all right?”
“I think that sounds like something we can do.” I smiled down at my mini-me, matching his excited energy with amatching bounce in my seat. “But, for now, let’s clean up these dishes and go out and shift.”
“Yes.” Georgi pumped his fist and jumped out of his chair, heading toward the back door.