Page 15 of I Can't Bear It
Each of the children chose their favorite color to sit on. Luckily, there were enough of every color in the stack I brought, so if anyone wanted to switch colors, it was a quick fix. I had been helping at the daycare center/Montessori school for a couple of months now, and story time was my favorite.
“Today, I will be readingBlue Lion and Green Turtleby Katie Wolf.” As I read the tale to the young shifters, I started to feel some tightening around my abdomen and twinges of pain. I looked around, hoping to get the attention of one of the other classroom aides. As soon as I finished the book, I helped the kids find their spots at the tables and advised them to draw a picture of their favorite scene in the story.
“Tori, can you watch the kids for a few minutes?” I asked the older woman helping Georgi find the right kind of blue crayon for his picture.
“Sure. Is everything all right?” Tori tilted her head and studied me. “I think Rayne is in the meeting room down the hall today. Why don’t you go take a break and say hi?”Igot him. We’ll be okay,she mouthed.
I made my way down the hall to the bathroom and checked my omega line to see if it was starting to get ready to open. Raynemet me in the hallway as he was coming out of the bathroom. “Oh, Peter. Are you okay?”
“I think it’s time for the egg. It started as a slight irritating twinge, and now it’s coming on as full-on cramps that I can hardly walk through.” I bent over, holding my rounded belly. “Can you call Karl and have him take me home? I need to get to the nest.”
“I will. Let’s have you sit down in the nursing section. The couches are comfortable, at least.” Rayne pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Karl.
“Hello,” my alpha’s voice sounded through the phone.
“Meet me in the first-floor bathrooms. Your omega is about to give birth, and you must get him to his nest.”
Rayne hung up and started texting. “I’m letting everyone know so they can fill in for you. I also informed Doctor Michaels.”
“Thanks.” Another contraction rolled through my body and I fought a grimace. “Is it always this painful?”
“Yeah, sometimes worse.” Rayne handed me a bottle of water. “But if you aren’t too far gone, you can get pain meds.”
“I’d better not be too far gone.”
“Peter.” Karl rushed into the bathroom and knelt in front of me. “Are you okay?”
“No,” I screamed out during a particularly harsh contraction. “This hurts worse than birthing Georgi. Why do eggs hurt worse than a cub?”
“I’m not sure.” Karl looked at Rayne.
“I don’t know.” Rayne shrugged. “I only ever had the eggs, and trust me when I say I understand, especially after multiples. But let’s do less talking and more walking and get Peter home to do this in his proper nest.”
“Yes, please.” I was starting to cry a bit now. Maybe I had a low pain tolerance, but I felt like I was being ripped apart. “And drugs. Get the doctor and some drugs.”
“Shit. I need to call Doctor Michaels.” Karl started to pull out his phone.
“Already done.” Rayne knocked Karl’s hand from his pocket. “Let’s get your mate home.”
“All right, Peter.” Doctor Michaels smiled. I have administered the pain block, and you look to be progressing well. I leave it up to the expecting parents whether they want me in the room during the delivery or to remain waiting outside to step in if needed. Which would you prefer?”
“I’m fine with you staying in the room and ensuring everything goes smoothly.” I was feeling a lot better now that the pain was dulled. “This is my first egg. Georgi came out as a cub, so I’m unsure how different it will be.”
“There shouldn’t be much difference regarding how your body handles delivery. The egg will descend, and the omega line opens; once it passes through and is delivered, the omega line should naturally start healing, but if it needs some help, I can provide that.” Doctor Michaels also sat next to the nest. “The biggest difference is that it’s an egg, not a newborn yet. So, you must wait another month before it hatches, and you get to hold the baby. But there is something special about the egg stage, too. You’ll see.”
“Thanks, Doctor.” Karl came up and held my hand. “I can’t wait to hold our little one.”
“Soon.” Doctor Michaels chuckled. “In about two more hours, you will have your shiny egg to hold and protect.”
Doctor Michaels was a liar because it took six hours before our slimy blue egg emerged. But he was right about one thing: There was something special about egg time.
As Karl ushered Doctor Michaels out of our house and called Rayne to check on how Georgi was enjoying his sleepover at their house, I lay in our nest and took in the beautiful sight of the shell. Shimmery blues that reflected the light and reminded me of my mate’s dragon. I couldn’t wait to see what our baby would look like when they shifted.
“How are you, darling?” Karl walked into the bedroom with a glass of water and croissant sandwiches. “I know you must be starving. I made us some lunch. Would you like anything else?”
“No.” I took a bite and groaned. “This is perfect. Thanks.”