Page 29 of Without Fail
Stepping into the entryway, Ryker took in the scene of Cohen trying to get in and Tanner stretching out an arm to block him.
“Ryker!” Cohen shouted, glaring up at Tanner, whose bulk was preventing him from entering.
Ryker stepped around Tanner and elbowed him out of the way.
Not that he couldn’t have done that with the size difference, but Tanner had to take a step backward in order to avoid the elbow to his stomach.
Next to Cohen stood a beautiful boy. He couldn’t have been more than eighteen, if that. Curly dark hair cascaded around his head and that combined with a slim physique and delicate face put the boy in the beautiful category. The only blemish on the boy was the fact that his eyes were covered by dark sunglasses. Ryker searched and found what he suspected.
Behind the glasses lurked bruises and Ryker’s heart squeezed.
On occasion, Light Bright facilities rescued women, men, and children from abusive situations and he only knew this becausebefore opening the place, he, Syn, and Cohen had discussed the next steps if abuse victims ever showed up.
Well, it looked like that day was today.
“It’s okay, Tanner, I’ll take responsibility,” Ryker said quietly, slowly moving closer. He was careful to make no sudden moves.
The boy looked ready to bolt.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t allow that,” Tanner said and pulled his cell phone. “Marshal, we have a situation at the front door.”
Ryker rolled his eyes at Cohen and the boy.
“And you are?” He smiled, making sure his voice was soft, but even so, the boy took a step backward.
“This is Aspen,” Cohen said and wrapped a hand around the boy’s wrist to keep him from running.
“Hello, Aspen, I’m Ryker and this hard-headed Neanderthal is Tanner.” Ryker shot a thumb over his shoulder.
“Just following orders.” Tanner crossed his arms over his impressive chest, but Ryker saw the former Army medic’s eyes run over Aspen, assessing the damage that they could all see.
“We need an ID and fingerprints,” Marshal said, his deep voice suddenly filling the space.
“No,” Ryker said flatly and gave Marshal a cold, hard stare.
It was a look that Ryker didn’t use often. It contained every ounce of his father’s teaching from his upbringing. He came from old money and power that not many could match or beat and he used it now to go head-to-head with Marshal.
“You can get your damned information later.” Ryker didn’t raise his voice, but his tone had Marshal staring at him with surprise and Tanner took a slow step backward.
“Ryker…” Marshal began.
While he may have a crush on the sexy bodyguard, he was in no way a pushover and he needed to remind the man of that.Besides, they were at odds now, and wasn’t this the way Marshal wanted it?
So be it.
“You work for me,” he snapped and Marshal froze. “So, stay the hell out of my business,” he growled.
The silence in the hallway became charged with tension.
Ignoring both Marshal and Tanner, Ryker gently took Aspen’s hand and linked their fingers. With Cohen holding the boy’s other wrist, Ryker walked the pair farther into his home and up the wide staircase. He could feel Marshal’s eyes burning into his back, but he kept his spine straight and eyes forward.
When they reached his private wing, he guided them into his study and closed the door. He released his grip on Aspen.
Cohen let out a laugh. “That was impressive. If I hadn’t been watching you, I would have sworn it was your father talking.”
Snorting with laughter, Ryker groaned. “Don’t remind me of how much I take after him.”
“You don’t really. You know that, right?” Cohen touched his arm lightly.