Page 101 of Risky Obsession
Tory cried out as her grip left my neck.
I released one side of the belt. The cable twanged and as I fell, I braced for impact.
My collision with the ground rattled through my body, but adrenaline kept me moving. I rolled to my feet and spun to Tory.
She ran toward me with horror etched on her face. As bullets thudded into the plush grass around us, I grabbed her hand, and we legged it toward the parked cars.
Sirens blared, adding a shrill squeal to the hammering thuds of the ammunition hitting the ground around us.
Tory’s grip was solid in mine as we raced to the nearest car. Bullets punctured the side door of a yellow Lamborghini as Tory and I darted behind a black Rolls Royce. Glass shattered somewhere nearby.
Squatting with our backs against the trunk, we gasped for breath.
“Told you we’d make it,” I said.
“Holy shit, that was close.” Her chest heaved, but her eyes dazzled. A red hue flushed her cheeks, and she looked so fucking hot, all I wanted to do was kiss her.
“What now?” she said between ragged breaths.
I rolled onto my hands and knees and peered around the side of the car.
Two men were silhouetted in the window we’d escaped from, but the gunfire had stopped.
Frantic guests scattered from the castle like frightened cats. A stream of them filled the bridge, and their gala outfits billowed behind them as they ran.
Some kept running up the long driveway. Just as many raced toward the parking lot.
“I thought they’d keep everyone contained,” Tory said as she removed the fur wrap from her shoulders and shoved it beneath the car.
“Lucky for us, they didn’t.” I grabbed her hand. “Let’s get to our car. Keep your head down.”
As we wove between the parked cars, the screaming and shouting became louder as the guests drew near the parking lot.
The engine of a matt black BMW ahead roared to life, and I frowned. I hadn’t seen anyone reach it. Its windows were completely black.
The vehicle’s wheels spun on the grass before it shot away.
A wave of people reached the parking lot, and Tory and I blended in with the frantic crowd. The castle surrounds became a battleground as security guards shouted orders that the guests completely ignored in their rush to escape.
Car engines added to the chaos and the siren became louder.
Oh shit, is that the cops already?
Peering over the bonnet of a silver Aston Martin, I scanned the bedlam.
No blue lights yet.
“Let’s go.” I grabbed Tory’s hand and side by side, we sprinted to our car.
Frantic shouts and the wailing siren added to my thumping pulse as I jumped into the driver’s seat. In the seconds it took for me to strap in and start the engine, Tory had somehow curled herself into a ball in her footwell.
“What are you doing?” I rammed thegear into first.
“They’re looking for a couple,” she said, matter of fact, but her eyes glowed with adrenaline . . . or maybe excitement.
Damn, she’s good at this stuff.
“Good idea.” I stomped on the gas.