Page 19 of Risky Obsession
Aria rested her hand on my arm. “Yes, you did. And it was very good police work. I will make sure you are recognized for that.”
“It’s not about that. It’s about finding that asshole.” I clenched my jaw. “Aria, I can’t sit around and do nothing.”
Kingsley stood. “I’ll keep you in the loop. I promise. But don’t come into the station, Brooks. It will only make the captain come down on you harder.”
I shot him dagger eyes. “You’re mean.”
He wrapped his hand over my wrist. “Get some rest. You’ve been through hell. Getting better is what’s most important.” He nodded at Aria. “I’ll keep you posted.”
“Hey, Tyler, can you give me a ride home?” Whisper asked.
He nodded and strode away.
Whisper squeezed my good hand. “Call me if you need anything. Chocolate, wine, smoking hot guy.” She chuckled. “Actually, scrap that. If I find one of them, I’m keeping him for myself.”
I chuckled and then winced. “Ouch. Don’t make me laugh.”
Whisper scrunched her nose. “Get some rest. You nearly died today.”
Even after she exited the room, her comment sat on my chest like a brick.
I could have died. Again.
I was surprised Aria hadn’t left with them, and even more surprised when she pulled the chair closer and sat.
I frowned at her, and she leaned back, a pillar of calm that only someone in her position could master. She would have a dozen intense cases going through her mind, yet she had the poise of a woman who knew exactly where all the balls were in the air.
“Lacey, I want to thank you for what you did today.”
I huffed. “It didn’t go toplan.”
“You didn’t know it would escalate the way it did.”
“No, I didn’t. I don’t understand why he let me into his house. From what Carol said, he never opened the door for anyone.”
“I’d say he underestimated you.”
I grinned. “That’s happened before.”
Aria chuckled.
It was probably a common theme for many women in the force.
“I have to get him, Aria.”
“And you will.” She shuffled forward. “But Captain Watts is adamant about you taking time off to heal.”
“I’m fine. It’s just a couple of injured fingers.”
“On your weapon hand.” She leveled her gaze at me. “I may have something for you, though. Do you know Kane Devlin?”
I frowned. “The guy who rescued Indiana and Tyler off that island?”
“Yes. Have you ever met him?”
“Do you think he would know you?”