Page 64 of Risky Obsession
In our room, we crawled into bed, facing away from each other, and I turned out the lamp on my bedside table. “Goodnight, sis.”
She thumped my back. “Call me that again and I’ll knacker you.”
“Ooh, I might light that.”
The bed wobbled with her trying to hold back her laughter.
A tiny green light from my phone charger in the corner socket glowed off the glass on the map frame that I’d propped against the wall. It looked like a tiny camera spying on us. The wind howled outside, rattling thewindowpanes and shivering against the cold, I tugged the blanket higher on my shoulders.
“Goodnight, Kane,” Tory said. “Thanks for a lovely day.”
“Likewise, Tory. Have a good sleep.”
“You, too.”
I wasn’t going to have a good sleep. Not when my damn cock throbbed for the smoking hot woman sleeping a few inches away.
As I stared at the green light, and the wind drummed against the window glass, images from our day together flickered across my mind. Today had been a rollercoaster of emotions, yet I couldn’t remember a time when I’d been so relaxed with a woman.
Her breathing became heavy, and I had no idea how she was sleeping with the wind howling right outside and shuddering our window like it was.
I rolled onto my back and forced my eyes closed. Listening to her breathing was some kind of therapy, and I drifted in and out of sleep. Each time I opened my eyes, the green shadows in the room shifted.
My dreams were a messy mix of dusty treasures and Tory giggling.
As the night wore on, my mind churned more and though Tory lay beside me, I felt like she was drifting miles away.
My eyes shot open and found the damn green light again.
I was on my side, and I blinked at the light, trying to work out what woke me.
A heavy silence filled the room, but the wind still battered the window. Tory must be in a deep sleep; I could barely hear her breathing.
A strange creak of the floor added to the rattling windowpanes.
It echoed through my bones.
Oh fuck! Someone’s in our room.
My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the glass from the map. In the reflection, the asshole who’d broken into our room moved with stealth, silent and deadly. His presence was ghostly in the green glow from my phone charger. He was dressed in black, and the balaclava that hid his face confirmed he was prepared.
Did he have a weapon?
We were fucked if he did.
Tory hadn’t moved.
I have to stop this bastard before she wakes up.
My breath burned in my throat. The asshole slipped Tory’s bag over his shoulder and secured it across his chest like she always did. It took everything I had to remain frozen. Waiting for the perfect moment.
He glanced over his shoulder, and I snapped my eyes closed. Peering through just tiny slits, I watched his reflection in the glass from the map frame. His gaze lingered on our bedcovers.