Page 38 of Axel
He had entered her without using protection before and doing so – he was not certain he could use anything when he was with her. A frown touched his brow as he stared at the large by window. Rain had started and was making pinging sounds onthe pane. A fire was blazing in the hearth, creating a coziness that was settling over him like a cloak.
Suddenly, it felt right, being here with her this way and it bothered him. He should leave before it got more complicated.
Wasn’t it already complicated? The voice inside his head, taunted him. Here he was, wrapped up in her arms and he did not want to leave. And he was not over making love to her. He wanted more. Her slender curves were pressed against him, and he was getting hard again.
Turning his head down, he stared at the short dark brown curls on her crown. He had not said anything, because he had no idea what to say. Shifting slightly, he lifted her on top of him, admiring the drowsy look on her exquisite face.
“Don’t fall asleep,” he whispered as he settled her on top of him. A grimace touched his face when she sank down and sheathed him completely. “I have plans for us.”
He told her little anecdotes about his childhood. She was not recording the conversation, but she knew she was going to recall most if not all he told her.
About him getting in trouble when he was thirteen and acting out. “I wanted to shake off the shackles of responsibilities I had.” The second bout of lovemaking had left her shaken and even more worried. She was getting used to having him here right next to her, his strong arms wrapped around her.
“What kind of trouble?” She was looking at him, her head propped on her hands folded on his chest.
“Fights.” He brushed back a thick lock of hair from her forehead. “At school. We had to wear hand-me-downs, my sister, and I. Stuff our mother received from the people she was working for and ones she picked up at the thrift store.
I know she was doing the best she could, but I was a child, and I felt resentment that we were forced to live that way.” He trailed a finger down one smooth cheek and felt his desire stirring again.
It amazed him that she had the power to fuel this much passion in him.
“I almost beat a classmate to pulp for talking about my old man running off and that’s why we were so dirt poor.” He shrugged. “It did not sit well with mom.” A smile touched his lips. “Not only did I get suspended from school for a week, but I was confronted by a strong lecture that had me feeling so ashamed, that I could not look at her.”
His smile turned wry. “Caitlin Lakeside had the ability to turn us into a puddle just by staring at us. She did not have to raise her hand to us, as a matter of fact, she never did. One look was all it took.”
“She sounds like a remarkable woman.” Her tone was wistful without her realizing it and had him staring at her thoughtfully. He had not meant to reveal so much, and he certainly did not want to hear about the troubles she had as a child. Heknew about her mother, because of his research, but he had no intention of going further than that.
“She is.” Clearing his throat, he set her aside with the intention of leaving.
“Is that the way you are going to behave every time we are together?”
He was about to swing his legs off the bed when she asked the question. Turning his head to look at her, he felt lust slam into his middle as he did.
“I am tired.” He heard himself saying.
“Then go. Please don’t let me stop you.”
He stared at her for a full minute before changing his mind. Leaning back against the pillows, he hauled her into his arms.
Chapter 10
The enclosed balcony was charming, making up for the fact that he had not invited her to a public restaurant. When he had issued the invitation to go out to dinner, she had been excited, thinking that he was acknowledging a relationship between them.
He had interpreted the look on her face and shook his head. “River Glades is a tiny town as you know, and people will jump to a hell of a lot of conclusions if we are seen together. I prefer to keep my personal life as private as possible.”
She had taken that to mean he did not want people to jump to the wrong conclusion. It pained her, but she had pretended otherwise, telling herself that he had progressed to the point where he invited her to dinner.
He had also given her a tour of the place and even though it was unfinished, it had the markings of being grand. He had imported pillars from Italy and most if not all of the furnishings were of solid oak antiques.
The balcony was wrapped all the way around the house and the cobbled stone which was the floor was scattered with charming, mismatched furniture. There were plushy love seats with bright yellow and green cushions, his mother’s contribution, he told her.
And sofas so comfortable, they molded to one’s body.
“Your mother has very good taste.” Ellie commented as she accepted the wine, he handed her. They had finished the tour and were sitting around the largest fire pit she had ever seen and certainly the most unique in design. He told her he had seen it in an antique store in Rome and had it shipped here.
He had also surprised her by cooking the meal. The grilled steaks and vegetables sent up an enticing aroma that completed the wonderful picture. She had dressed for the occasion in a slinky sweater dress the color of ripe plums and was wearing ankle length boots with stockings.