Page 44 of Axel
“I have to go.”
He had left abruptly, but Cathy, who had been on her way to work had followed him to his car.
“You are a coward.”
She had stood there glaring at him, not backing away from his ominous and formidable expression as he started the engine.
“You are running away from her.”
“I am leaving because I have business and speaking of which, this is none of yours.”
“You are attracted to her.”
“She is not the first and she certainly won’t be the last.”
“All because that bitch betrayed you.” Cathy had felt like crying.
“That’s right and it won’t happen again. I’ll call when I get to Texas.” She had stood there while he drove away.
“I will help you.” Taking out a bottle of wine, Cathy poured some into a glass and looked at her mother with raised brows.
“None for me thanks.” Cutting off a dejected sigh, she set about preparing the meal. “Oh, I could just kill him.”
Rolling the brandy glass on the tray, he stared at the liquor, a frown touching his brow. He had refused the offer of refreshments twice because his appetite was nonexistent. His sister’s accusation was reverberating inside his head.
And he was exhausted and unhappy. It was for her own good, that’s what he kept telling himself. It wouldn’t have worked between them, and he was not prepared to try and find out.
He was not a damn coward; he was just being pragmatic. And preempting getting hurt. A woman as beautiful as Ellie Logan would never be faithful. He had learned his lesson the hard way. The only two women he trusted were those he was related to.
His head jerked up to glare at the stylishly dressed flight attendant.
“We are about to land, would you like something other than…?”
“No.” he tempered his tone, realizing he was attacking the woman needlessly.
“Thank you.”
With a polite nod, she moved away, leaving him to his misery and dark thoughts.
What was she doing now? He knew she expected to hear from him. How could she not, after what they shared last night and this morning. He had led her to believe that there would be a repeat performance.
Lifting the glass to his lips, he downed the rest of the liquor just as the pilot announced the landing.
Cathy greeted her at the door and led the way through the winding path, heady with the scent of flowers blooming, until they reached the gazebo, gleaming in the lights near the pool.
“This is heavenly.” Ellie murmured, wondering why Cathy was so reticent. She had been hoping to see Axel waiting, but he was not present. She supposed he would be by later.