Page 24 of Ice Me Baby
I hear Liz laughing as I chase after Lewi. Her laughter causes a flutter in my chest, and a grin spreads across my face when Lewi looks toward her too. He yells over his shoulder, “Come on, slow poke! All that time guarding the net has you falling behind!”
I let out a playful growl. “Fuck off!” I don’t know the last time I had this much fun. However, I have a feeling it has something to do with a certain raven-haired, blue-eyed woman sitting on the sidelines.
Chapter Nine
Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Monroe
Islowly make my way up the steps to my apartment under the ever-watchful eyes of Oli and Lewi. It took twenty minutes of haggling for them to agree to stay behind. Lewi had made for the steps after handing over my keys. He was nice enough to drive my car home while I caught a ride with Oli.
The glare I sent him when he tried to follow me must have convinced him otherwise because he slowly backed up with his hands raised. I didn’t take my eyes off him until he climbed into the car with Oli.
Rolling my eyes at the pair, I continue my slow climb up the stairs. I have my keys ready to open my door when I see yet another note attached to my door. My body stiffens for a moment before I let out a defeated sigh. Body sagging, dread pooling in my stomach, I peel the note off and open the door.
Throwing my keys into the bowl next to the door, I open the piece of paper, already dreading the contents.
I freeze as I stare down at the note.Your skin against mine?Who the fuck is this person?I jerk out of my frozen state and rush across the room to throw the crumpled note in the trash. My hands start to shake, and my breathing grows labored. My vision narrows as my eyes dart around the room, and I realize I left my front door unlocked behind me. Running back over to it, I slam against the wood and snap the lock into place. Leaning back against the door, I slide down till I’m sitting on the floor, my vision blurring as I start to hyperventilate.
I’m being stalked… I… I have a stalker… oh God!My movements are jerky but, eventually, I manage to fish my phoneout of my pocket. I can’t see the screen through the tears sliding down my face, so I’m not sure who I’ve called until a bright, happy voice greets me.
“Roe Roe! How’s my favorite athletic therapist?”
“V-Vicy…” I sob.
His voice immediately turns serious. “Liz? Liz, what’s wrong?”
“I… I… I’m scared,” I whisper as I huddle against the door.
I hear rustling in the background. “Where are you?”
I’m frozen in fear when I hear the scrape of boots outside my door. I whimper into the phone and scramble across the floor to hide in the corner.
“Sis! Sis, you need to tell me where you are.” His words are muffled as he yells, “Get your shit on boys, our girl needs us!” His voice is soft when he says, “Come on, sis, you’re annoying little brother needs your location.”
I let out a wet laugh, but my eyes never leave the door. “Home. I’m at home. Oli and Lewi just dropped me off,” I finally manage to say.
“Good. Okay. I’ll make sure they turn around and head back. Don’t you dare hang up, okay?”
A fist pounds loudly against the door, and I let out a scream.
I hear doors slam in the background on his end as he asks, “Liz! What’s going on?”
My voice is low as I swallow and reply, “Someone is banging on my door.”
“It’s locked, right?”
“Yes,” I whisper.
“Oli and Lewi should beat us there. They aren’t too far away. We are coming, okay?”
I struggle to control my breathing as the pounding continues, but I feel like I’m going to hyperventilate. I’m right on the edge of passing out when I hear him ask, “What’s your favorite anime?”
“What’s your favorite anime?” he repeats.
Surprised by his question, I ask, “Uhm, how do you know I like anime?”