Page 44 of Ice Me Baby
“Movie night?” I ask in a hopeful tone. I know we have work in the morning, but I could really use a good movie and popcorn night.
He chuckles and nods, then skates over to the edge of the ice. He goes slow as I walk beside him in my tennis shoes. “What movie do you have in mind? I’m not sure all the guys will stay up to watch. Most of them have already gone to bed.”
I huff in disappointment. That’s true. “We don’t have to do a movie night. I just thought it may be a nice way to wind down.”
He bumps my shoulder before stepping off the ice to remove his skates. “Mac is still awake, I’m sure. He’s a mother hen when it comes to me and my moods. We can stay up and watch a movie with you, if you’d like.”
I bite my lip; I don’t want to be an inconvenience. “It’s fine. I can watch it in my room, so all of you can sleep.”
He chuckles, shaking his head as he looks up at me from the bench. For the moment his chocolate brown eyes are filled with mirth and laughter, which takes me aback. They held so much pain when I first walked in. I’ve never seen Dean’s eyes so light and airy. “We will be awake anyways, Ice Princess. Mac won’t mind staying up to watch a movie with you.”
Ignoring the new nickname for now, I arch a brow. “And you?”
He shrugs, packing up his skates before he says, “I owe you for treating you like shit.” He rubs the back of his neck as he continues, “I’m not good with new people, let alone with them seeing my shortcomings.”
Without thought, I step forward, wrapping my arm around his forearm that holds his skates. I give him a gentle tug to head toward the exit. “Everyone has flaws and shortcomings, Dean.”
He hums and follows my insistent tugging. His voice is so quiet, I’m not sure I’m supposed to hear him say, “You seem pretty perfect to me.”
I pretend to not hear it as I look over my shoulder with an arched brow. “What?”
His eyes widen, and he shakes his head. “Nothing. You never said what movie you wanted to watch.”
“Have you seenHowl’s Moving Castle?” I ask as we step outside the building.
“Can’t say that I have,” he answers.
I release my grip on his arm, but he quickly takes my hand. When I look back, his cheeks are lightly dusted pink. He nods toward his car. “I can give you a ride home, and one of us can give you a ride to work in the morning.”
I look at my car before shrugging my shoulders. This is probably a horrible idea, but something about the look in his eyes makes me want to go with him. He looks like he wants a bit more one-on-one time with me. Only me.
I know this is a bad idea. These guys are finding ways to melt the ice around my heart. I need to stay strong and not give into the temptation of these two men. But... a car ride won’t hurt anyone. Will it?
Chapter Eighteen
Today is a surprisingly sunny day, which I am thankful for. It sounds like the team always throws a Fourth of July cook out, and I am required to attend. Mac and Dean stayed behind with me while the others left for the party already. It’s started to feel weird calling them Oli and Lewi in my head, let alone out loud. They don’t feel like Oli and Lewi when we aren’t at work. To be honest, it’s beginning to feel weird calling any of the guys by their nicknames, now that I’ve built a friendship with them.
I’m not exactly nervous about the cookout but, at the same time, I am. I’m about to meet the whole team’s significant others, not just the guys I’m in charge of. Who am I kidding. I’m beyond nervous about meeting my guys’ wives.
A knock sounds on the bathroom door, and I’m jerked out of my thoughts. “Yes?”
Mac laughs and asks, “Are you almost ready? We got back from the rink three hours ago.”
I snort a laugh and open the bathroom door. I went light on the make-up, but I’m wearing a soft blue sundress, consideringhow warm it is. Washington doesn’t get hot often, but today is one of those rare days that gets above eighty degrees and sunny.
My gaze collides with Mac’s wide eyes as he takes in my outfit. I run my fingers through my loose waves as my nerves take over. Does he like the dress?
When his eyes finally meet mine, he’s grinning.“Tu es rayonnante.”
My cheeks heat as I reply, “Thank you.”
Dean darts around the corner from the living room. “Is she ready yet? We need to...” his words die off when he sees me.
I twist my hips to let my dress swish around me. “I’m ready.”
After another moment or two of staring, he shakes his head. “Yeah—um—you—”
Watching him trip over his words has a smirk pulling at my lips. “Yes?”