Page 68 of Ice Me Baby
Before they leave, Vicy holds up a carabiner with all the friendship bracelets I made for them attached. “We can’t wear them out on the ice, so will you keep them safe?”
With a grin, I take it from him and clip it onto my belt loop. “I’ll keep them safe. I promise.”
He nods and turns to the others. “Alright boys, let’s go!”
They all file out except for Mac and Dean. They look at each other, then take a step toward me. They reach down to take something off their wrists before holding them out to me. My eyes widen when I realize that they are the bracelets Mac’s mom had given them.
“What—” Before I can finish the question, Mac interrupts me.
“We were wondering if you could wear these for safe keeping?”
I look between them before slowly reaching out a hand. “Why are you having me hold onto them? Where do you normally keep them?”
Dean shrugs as he backs away a bit. “We normally keep them in the locker room.”
Mac backs away, following Dean with a shrug. “We figure they will be safer with you.”
I slip them onto my left wrist—that is currently empty compared to my right, which has my watch along with the three bracelets I got for my birthday. I roll my thumb over the bracelets before looking back at them. “Are you sure?”
Dean grins as he takes another step toward the door. “No safer place than with you, Ice Princess.”
“We trust you,” Mac adds before he turns to walk out the door.
I watch as they leave unable to move from my spot. I’m left speechless; this isn’t just a simple act of trust on their part. These bracelets are a part of their very heart and soul. And... they left them with me to guard and protect.
I run my thumb over the beads again. “I’ll protect them. I promise.”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
It’s only the beginning of November, and the season so far has been brutal. As hard as Mac, Dean, and I try, we haven’t found much time to spend together. We sneak kisses and touches here and there, filled with our need to be near each other.
The only time we’ve found to spend together is when we are at home. Which isn’t a lot of time when we are all exhausted and fall asleep the moment our heads hit the pillows.
Next weekend, we have a few days off, and I am hoping we can plan something. I would be happy with just sitting at home and having a movie night, at this point. Maybe a ‘Netflix-and-Chill’, if you know what I mean.
I’m watching the team’s post-game press conference from the sidelines as they answer questions for the press and public about the game in a few days. As much as I try to pay attention to all the guys, my eyes keep locking onto Mac and Dean. No matter how hard I try to keep my wandering eyes away from them.
I don’t feel bad, considering they keep searching me out in the crowd of people.
Dean’s eyes meet mine, and he smirks and winks in my direction as he answers a particularly beautiful reporter’s question. I’m sure she thinks that it’s meant for her but—as much as that irks me, we don’t need anyone finding out about our secret relationship.
I glance around quickly, finding no one looking my direction, before blowing him a quick kiss. His eyes glitter with amusement until Mac snaps a hand in front of his face.
My eyes flick to him and he’s also smirking. He pats his left pec before grinning wide my way. A female's voice snaps me back to reality when she asks, “Are you well, Mr. Oliver?”
He nods and replies, “Of course.”
Dean bumps shoulders with Mac as he grunts in French, “Connard.”
The reporter points between the two of them. “There appears to be some rivalry between the two of you. Is this normal?”
Mac throws an arm over Dean’s shoulder as he laughs. “Lewi and I go way back. We like to have fun and cause some trouble.”
“And you just stole a kiss from a fan. She blew that kiss to me,” Dean growls.
The reporter's eyes widen, and she sucks in a breath. “Mr. Lewis are you dating anyone? You’ve never shown interest in the past.”
Dean looks to the reporter, now realizing what he’d said. He briefly looks my way before looking back at the reporter. “Well, this fan girl is a bit special.”