Page 82 of Ice Me Baby
“I like it, Ice Princess. My number looks good on you!” he yells before backing away.
Mac’s is announced, and it doesn’t take him long to find me. He’s slow as he makes his way over. I spin again before he even asks. He lifts his helmet, so his face guard isn’t blocking his face. The smile he gives me is soft.“Tu as l'air à couper le souffle, Chérie.”
I’m not sure what that means, but the way he says it makes my cheeks heat. I give him a shy smile. “I think I’m supposed to say thank you. But I don’t know what any of that meant.”
He taps the glass with his glove before skating to his post. I hear a woman’s high-pitched voice yell, “Move out of the way!”
I turn and spot Danni attempting to move through the crowd toward me. “Danni?”
She squeezes through the last few people until she reaches me. Holding up a carabiner of bracelets, she says, “The guys wanted to make sure you held onto these for them. Apparently, it’s a job they only trust you with.”
I snort as I take it and clip it onto my belt loop. “Crazy men.”
When I look up again she’s holding out two bracelets. “Lewi and Oli said these had to be with you, as well, but couldn’t be shoved with the others.”
I take them from her with a nod, gently slipping them onto my wrist. As my gaze meets hers, I smile. “Thank you, Danni.”
She nods and backs away. “Got to get back to work.”
I cup my hands around my mouth as I shout, “Take care of my boys.” She laughs and gives me a thumbs-up.
My attention is pulled back to the ice as the game begins. A player on the other team is slammed into the boards in front of me, and I laugh as Taz’s eyes meet mine. He gives me a wink before taking off toward the puck.
I love the game and working on the sidelines as an athletic therapist. But nothing compares to being surrounded by screaming fans and watching the carnage from behind the boards.
Damn... I love hockey.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Afew weeks into December, I’m back to work. I’m biting my lip as I tape up each of the guys. There’s one missing. Glancing around, I still don’t see Dean.He should have been here by now.Everyone besides him has been taped up, and they will need to head to the locker room soon. This is our ritual before every game. No one is late.Ever.
Looking up and down the hallway, debating which direction to turn, when I hear hushed but aggressive words.Who the fuck?I rush that direction, rounding the corner to find a gentleman scowling down at Dean. The look of resignation on his face makes my heart ache.Does he get yelled at like this all the time?
I catch the end of the man’s words as I make my way closer. “We expect more from you, Dean. Do better.”
“Excuse me, who are you?” I ask haughtily. Dean’s eyes widen and snap to mine. There is panic in them now, as the man looks over his shoulder.
He gives me a once over before dismissing me. “It’s none of your concern.”
I pop my hip out and stand my ground. “It is if you are distracting one of my players who needs to get taped and ready for the game.” My gaze shifts to Dean, as I point over my shoulder. “Get to the locker room, Lewis.”
The man bristles when Dean gives me a nod and makes his way around to him. As he steps up next to me, the man huffs, “Do you know who I am?”
Dean freezes next to me as I straighten. There is nothing that flips my bitch switch faster than someone asking me if I know who they are. As if their attitude would be okay if I knew who they were.
Dean whispers, “He’s my dad, Lizzy.”
Well, that only adds fuel the fire. Giving the man my best bitchy glare, I say, “I don’t give afuckwho you are. You could be the president for all I care, and that still wouldn’t give you the right to talk tomyplayer the way you have.” I point behind him. “If you would be so kind as to leave the premises that would be great. If not, I won’t hesitate to call security.”
The man looks me up and down before rolling his eyes at me like I'm trash. “Whatever. Dean, don’t fuck up tonight. You have a name to uphold.” He turns and walks off like I didn’t just threaten to call security on him.
I wait till he has disappeared to ask, “Are you alright?”
Dean shrugs. “I’m used to it.”
Not liking the dark cloud hovering over him, I turn and wrap my arms around his neck. Pulling him down so I can hug him. He’s stiff for a moment before he loosly wraps his arms around me. “You’re amazing, Dean. Don’t let him get in your head and convince you otherwise,” I whisper.
He laughs, but it sounds hollow. “I am pretty amazing.”