Page 17 of Arrow
As Arrow’s truck picked up speed, so did the beating of Emilee’s heart. Sitting beside him, she nervously played with the frayed edge of her shirt, obsessively replaying her encounter with Officer Mills at The Rusty Crab. The disapproving set of Arrow's jaw told her all she needed to know about his mood, and she braced herself for the conversation awaiting them at the house. She gazed out the window, observing how the world outside blurred into a mix of colors as they picked up speed. Arrow's grip on the steering wheel was firm and sure, just like the tone he had used with her earlier. HisDaddytone made her stomach flutter and her clit throb. It was a mix between authoritative and tender. She could say she hated it, but she’d be lying. With just one octave drop, raised eyebrow, or stern word, her underwear would become damp.
His house was only a few minutes from the Watchmen’s clubhouse, but the silence in the car made the drive seem much longer. By the time they arrived at his house, her heartbeat was pounding in her ears from the anticipation of what was to come. Arrow parked his truck and helped her out, his touch both protective and guiding.
The house was quiet as they entered; the only sound was their footsteps on the hardwood floor as they made their way to the living room. Arrow sat down on the plush couch and gestured with a crook of a finger for Emilee to come closer. With her pulse racing, she paused briefly before making her way towards him. While she had encountered spanking before, it was only within the bounds of negotiated scene play at The Citadel. Never for punishment.
“I expect you to follow the rules I set for you. They are in place to keep you safe and ensure you're taking care of yourself. Did you understand the rules when I explained them yesterday, Kitten?” Arrow asked.
Emilee nodded, unable to meet his eyes. “I did.”
“And you understand why those rules are important?” he pressed on, tilting her chin up so she could no longer avoid his gaze.
“Yes, Daddy,” she whispered. The term of endearment was coming out more naturally, carrying with it all her complex feelings - fear, respect, and a sudden unshakeable desire to please him.
“Then you also understand that there are consequences when you choose to disregard those rules?” His tone implied this question was rhetorical.
“I'm sorry,” Emilee stuttered as her voice broke. Maybe it was because it was so late, or maybe it was because she was exhausted. She didn’t know the reason, but the little inside of her responded to his authority and she allowed herself to submit to those feelings. Even with a million sarcastic comebacks, she couldn't bring herself to engage in a verbal fight with him. Besides, she had a feeling it wouldn’t end well for her butt. A single tear escaped down her cheek — she was scared, yet somewhere deep inside, there was a longing for the resolution that she knew Arrow’s discipline would bring.
“It's important you learn that breaking Daddy’s rules always ends up with consequences,” he said gently but with an underlying firmness that told Emilee he meant every word. “Since this is your first spanking from me, I’m going to go easier than I would have if we’d been together for a long time. There’d better be a darn good reason for you to disobey me or break a rule. Did you have a good reason not to come home straight after work?”
She shook her head no.
“Use your words, Kitten.”
“No, Daddy. Running into Officer Mills left me feeling overwhelmed and upset. I went to the park to clear my mind.”
“If you had texted or called me to ask if you could go to the park, we would have a different discussion. My goal is to become your safe place to run to when you are upset. Right now, we need to work on you obeying the rules and following instructions. We’ll talk about what happened at The Rusty Crab after your spanking. You will find, Kitten, that I am the type of Daddy who doesn’t believe in delaying punishment. Waiting around and building anxiety isn’t something I find to be useful. It works for some couples, but I prefer to get the discipline out of the way so we can move on with a clean slate. Are you ready for this?”
“I’m as ready as I can be.”
“If something is wrong and you need me to stop, I want you to say the word red, okay?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“There’s something else you should know, Kitten.”
The tone didn’t sound good. She looked up into his handsome face, and for a second, forgot she was standing before a man about to go over his knees and get her butt spanked. Once again, she couldn't help but notice how attractive the man in front of her was. While seated, he was nearly as tall as she was when standing. The man worked out. She’d thought he was a bitof a nerd, but one who balanced his nerdiness with lifting. She assumed his short hair was a leftover habit from his time in the military. The black t-shirt he wore hugged his broad chest and showcased his well-defined biceps. His eyes, almost as black as his spiky hair, narrowed. He cleared his throat.
“Oh, uh…” she tried to remember what he’d last asked her.
“I said, there’s something else you should know, Kitten.”
“What’s that?”
“Daddy always spanks his naughty girl on the bare.”
“The bare?” Did he mean what she thought he meant?
“Yes, the bare ass. Skin to skin. Palm to cheek. When you break one of my rules or disobey Daddy, you'll receive a spanking on your bare behind.” She blinked quickly and took a step backward.
“Kitten.” It was a one-word warning. He crooked his finger and motioned her back towards him.
“Are you expecting sex after?” She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. It had been two years since she last had sex. She was determined to show herself that she could refrain from carnal pleasures, not wanting to replace one addiction with another during the beginning of recovery. Then, it became something more. Abstinence wasn’t about the physical act; it was about knowing she was worthy of being cherished. The man she broke her abstinence streak with would be one she was in a monogamous, committed relationship with. She and Catie both made poor choices while chasing the next high, including bartering their bodies for drugs. She wasn’t that person anymore, and she’d proven it one day at a time, until years had passed. It was time to leave the woman she’d once been behind and move forward.
“Tonight? No. Neither of us are ready to take that step yet.”
He wasn’t ready to take that step but he was ready to take the step in disciplining her?
“Make it make sense.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.