Page 1 of Wicked Truths
Chapter One
My phone chimeswith another text message, making me pause my channel surfing once again. I click on the link Uncle Tony just sent to confirm his outlandish story.
There it is. Right on top. In big bold letters, to be exact.
Former New York Mob Boss Arturo Marino
buys local hockey team, the Savannah Sharks.
Well, I’ll be damned. Uncle Tony wasn’t bullshitting me.
I scroll through the news article on my phone, skimming through the paragraphs.
The article talks about how Dad left New York with his two kids almost a decade ago after the tragic murder of his wife before shifting to talk about the Sharks’ losing back-to-back seasons.
The Savannah Sharks used to be good. Really good. In fact, they were one of the best teams in the league.
But that was before.
Before my whirlwind love story with Rhett. Beforeour break up. Before I moved away to attend the University of Georgia.
Shaking my head, I continue to skim the newspaper article, stopping when I come across a section about Joey.
Joseph Marino is the number three defenseman in the entire national hockey league. Last season, he had twenty goals and thirty-three assists, landing him as one of the top prospects to be traded to the new expansion team next year.
Pride fills my body. I didn’t think he was going to be able to work for Dad and play professional hockey, but he did it.
He somehow made it happen with all the traveling and practice. I mean, Uncle Tony had to fill in more than he usually did, but Joey has pulled his fair weight as well.
Dad and Joey still keep me in the dark, but I don’t mind as much anymore because Uncle Tony gives me weekly reports, and has since I moved away.
My phone rings, bringing a smile to my face. Uncle Tony is right on time for our weekly chat.
“Hey, Uncle T.” I say as I put the call on speakerphone and continue scrolling through the channels.
“Hey, Principessa. So, I was right, huh?”
I laugh. “Yeah, you were right, as hard as that is to admit. What is Dad even thinking?”
He sighs. “Eh, I don’t know. To be honest, we aren’t really speaking these days.”
My mouth falls open.
Dad and Uncle Tony were always close. Close likebrothers, even though they aren’t related. Uncle Tony is Mom’s oldest brother, and after the accident, he and his son, Anthony Junior, moved south with us, while his other brothers and his daughter stayed in New York.
I manage to squeak out, “Why? What happened?”
“I don’t want to put you in the middle of things. He’s your father, after all, but the two of us aren’t seeing eye to eye on a couple of business ideas. I figured I’d give him a few more days before having a sit down with him.”
“You aren’t putting me in the middle of this. I won’t pick sides, you know that, but I like knowing what’s going on. The good, bad, and ugly. Where does Joey stand on these business ideas?”
Joey and Dad have always supported one another, even if their plan was risky, so I won’t be surprised if Joey is siding with Dad.
“You know how Joe is. The riskier the plan, the better the reward, and this one is just too risky right now.”
“Yeah, well, Joey has his career to worry about. Risky plans shouldn’t be a priority right now.”