Page 32 of Wicked Truths
I know it’s my job to make sure each player represents the team in a positive light, but if he’s pickingfights this early in the season, I’m going to have my work cut out for me this year.
“So, Francesca, what are you going to do about their fight?”
I turn to look at Dad. “This might be completely unfair, but I’m thinking about asking the press to just delete the pictures and videos and not run a story.”
“And do you think they will go for that?”
“Not without some negotiating on my end.”
“Well, have at it. I look forward to seeing what you can accomplish.”
“You and me too.” I grumble before heading straight for the group of reporters to introduce myself to them.
All conversation stops as I get closer to the group. They turn their attention to me, and I give a small wave.
Like an idiot.
“Hi. I’m Francesca, the new Director of Public Relations for the Savannah Sharks. Since we’re all going to be working together, how about we sit down for a chat? We can go to the conference room. I can have someone bring in some drinks, if you would like?”
The reporters glance at one another before agreeing.
Glancing back at Dad, he nods and says, “I’ll arrange for food and drink to be brought to the conference room.”
“Thank you.” I whisper before leading the group to the conference room.
What can I offer in exchange for them squashing this story?
When everyone is inside the conference room and settled in their seats, I take a deep breath and try to gather my thoughts.
“Like I said earlier, I’m Francesca, and I know we will be working together for a long time, so I think it’s important to get to know one another. I would love to work with all of you to come up with solutions on how we can introduce the team to the community. I want to get the community more involved, too.”
I glance at them, hoping they don’t get up and walk out.
The dark-haired, middle-aged man speaks first. “I’m Kyle. I’ve been an announcer for the team for a year now.”
The only woman speaks next. “I’m Raven, and I’ve only been here since May, so I’m new to learning about the team and other reporters like you.”
She chuckles and her fiery red curls bounce off her shoulders.
A taller, older man sitting next to her gives her a smile before saying, “I’m the oldest here, age and job wise. I’m James, and I’ve been here almost two years.”
He must have started after I moved away because I don’t recognize him.
The last man has long blonde hair and is built like Thor. He looks more like a bodybuilder than a sportsannouncer. His voice is softer than the other two men, but still commands attention. “I’m Chris, and I started with Kyle.”
“It’s nice to meet all of you. I know it’s not fair for me to ask for a favor on my very first day, but we all have the same goal in the end. We want the team to do well, and we want the community to support our team.”
Raven sits up straighter. “You don’t want the fight talked about, do you?”
“Of course not. Do you?”
“Fans love hockey fights.” She swipes her hair from her face.
“That’s true, but I’m pretty sure the fans don’t want to see their own players fighting each other. That means the team isn’t vibing like they should be this close to the home opener. This story could lead to fans losing trust in not only the team but also the organization, and with a new owner, it could spell disaster for our future.”
The four reporters look at one another as if they just want to report the fighting story and get on with the rest of their day.