Page 35 of Wicked Truths
I never imagined moving backto Savannah would be so lonely, but here we are. I’ve been back for three days now, but it feels like it’s been a year.
A very long, boring, and uneventful year.
Plopping down on my white plush couch, I glance around at all the boxes containing my belongings. I still haven’t unpacked and fully moved in.
Hell, I haven’t even gone grocery shopping, but I did place a grocery delivery for today. I’ve been living off of food delivery except for the pasta that Rhett cooked my first night back into town, and I haven’t spent another night with Rhett since then.
Between working and trying to figure out what Dad and Joey are hiding from me, I haven’t really been in the mood. It didn’t help that Rhett wasn’t willing to answer my questions about the club name or what business goes on there.
He actually refused to divulge any information, like he’s in on whatever is going on.
Am I being petty? Maybe, but I need to figure out what they are hiding from me and why they don’t think I can handle it.
And why they told Rhett about the club before they told me.
Is he helping with the operations now? Is he the one Dad and Joey added to the ranks without consulting me?
I shake my head.
There’s no way Dad and Joey would bring Rhett in on things without talking to me beforehand. Family comes first, and even though Rhett was almost family, he isn’t blood.
I grab my laptop, prop my legs up on the coffee table, and do some digging. I need to find out the club’s name first.
Opening up my internet browser, I type in a quick search of all the clubs downtown, and am surprised at the few that pop up. There are several dance clubs and a few strip clubs.
Would Dad and Uncle Tony buy a strip club or a dance club? Both would benefit business. Both could sell the drugs we ship in. But I would think a strip club would be more of a liability than what it’s worth.
Which one would be more up to Uncle Tony’s speed?
I continue searching the map for any hint as to which one is the newest family asset, and that’s when I see it.
The King’s Empire Gentleman’s Club.
This has to be the one.
It’s close enough to the arena to slip out of work and go there to check on things, but far enough away that it’s not glaringly obvious.
I zoom in on the map and gasp. “Son of a bitch.”
The club is right across the street from the south port terminal. Dad’s most used terminal for illegal shipments.
That’s no coincidence. The club has to be moving the product. It’s pretty smart, to be honest. To have the club so close to the port.
According to the club’s reviews, it was recently under new management last year after being sold, and the new owners added a bar and restaurant.
That sounds like Uncle Tony. He loves any place with a restaurant.
I continue reading reviews, stopping when a reviewer mentions their most popular burger is called the princess.
Dad and Uncle Tony have used that nickname my entire life, but one morning I said I couldn’t be the princess unless they were the kings. Dad chuckled and said they were both kings of the Marino empire, and one day Joey and I would inherit the kingdom.
I thought it was a joke until I learned about the family and our history.
Clicking on a picture of the menu, I scan the burger section, stopping when I come to The Princess. It’smyfavorite burger. A bacon cheeseburger with avocado slices and a teriyaki glaze.
Now that is too coincidental to not be the club I’m looking for. The name, the location, and the burger all match up with the Marino family.