Page 77 of Wicked Truths
Without having his driver’s license, I can’t tell if he’s telling the truth or lying.
Why would he lie about his age? Especially with the way this “interview” is going right now.
“What do you want with Francesca Marino?”
He rolls his eyes. “I already told you. I’m her boyfriend.”
“I know what you told me, but you aren’t her boyfriend.”
“Yes, I am.”
I take a step back and cross my arms. “That’s not what she told me, and I just left her in my bed.”
Sure, it might be petty to throw that out there, but he’s pissing me off. I want answers so I can get back to Francesca in my bed.
“We might not have been in a full-fledged ready to get married relationship, but we have been with each other for a long time.”
“She said she hasn’t talked to you in months. I will always believe her over you.”
“That’s your stupidity. Both of us have been extremely busy. It was the end of the semester. We had finals to worry about. You can believe what you want, but I was invited to her surprise birthday party last weekend before she moved.”
I spin around and pace so he can’t see the surprise on my face.
How could I forget Francesca’s birthday?
I quickly check my mental calendar.
Her birthday isn’t for a few days, but I don’t have a gift for her or dinner plans for her. Her birthday is the day of our first game.
“Wait, you said you didn’t know she moved, but just now, you said you were invited to her party before she moved.”
Jax rolls his eyes. “I didn’t know she moved until her roommate, Mandy, told me. Why would I lie about this?”
I spin around and level my gaze on him. “Because you are a liar! Why were you trying to kidnap her? And you better come up with a better reason besides saying what you were doing wasn’t kidnapping.”
He clamps his mouth shut.
“Tell me.” I demand, my voice barely above a whisper.
He tilts his head forward and lets his gaze land on the blood-soaked ground.
I clench my fist and aim towards his stomach. He lets out a grunt as soon as my fist makes contact.
I hit him again and again, not letting up until he’s slumped over in his chair with blood dripping from several cuts.
“How do you know the Rossis? Do you work for them?” I ask, taking several steps back to refrain from hitting him some more.
He tilts his head up to look at me. “I was at college for the past two years. Do you think they had operations that far away?”
“Savannah is pretty fucking far from New York. Why did they come down here? Were they spying on the Marinos?”
Why else would they move this close to Arturo?
“I don’t know, and I don’t care. All I wanted was to get Francesca back.”
“By kidnapping her?”
“Actually, I found out some information and wanted to tell her in person.”