Page 89 of Wicked Truths
She turns her attention to me. “What did that guy say to you when he had you pinned?”
The smile on my face disappears.
There’s no way I can tell her what he said right now with her emotions all over the place, especially in front of William.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with.”
Her eyes widen and her mouth parts as she takes a step back. Anger fills her gaze and her lips tighten into thin lines.
She’s pissed.
“I’m tired of you guys making decisions for me and without me. I’m very much a part of this family whether or not you like it, and sooner or later all of you will need my help, but it will be too late. I’ll be gone, and you all will have yourselves to blame.”
She turns around and walks away.
“What the hell was that about?” William asks, just as confused as I am.
“I’m assuming that outburst was more than me not telling her what was said on the ice.”
“You might have some groveling to do tonight.”
He tapes up my knee and puts a pill on the napkin on the tray.
“Take a pain pill and change, then go make thingsright.” He says before cleaning up and heading back to the ice.
The period should be over soon and I don’t want to answer a hundred questions about what’s going on.
William can tell the staff and team about my diagnosis during intermission.
Without showering, I throw my clothes on and head up to the suite to talk to Chessie. The climb up the flight of stairs is much slower than I expected, but I can’t rush my knee to heal.
By the time I get up to the suite, the period is over. Glancing around the large room, my heart pounds as I see she’s not here.
I slowly walk over to Arturo.
“Rhett, how bad is it?”
“I’m out for a game or two, but it’s not broken, so that’s a plus. Have you seen Chess since she came downstairs to check on me?”
“A game or two means nothing when you’re this early in the season. You’ll bounce back. I know you will. And to answer your question, no, I haven’t seen her.”
“We had a disagreement of sorts. She must have left.”
Where could she have gone? Her apartment? Her dad’s house?
I grab my phone and call her.
It rings and rings before going to voicemail. I immediately redial, but once again, there’s no answer.
I type out a message.
Hey where are you?
She doesn’t respond, so I text again.
Please let me know you are somewhere safe.
I wait a few moments before calling her again. No answer, yet again.