Page 99 of Wicked Truths
“What the fuck?” I ask, bewildered as bullets whizz past us.
Giuseppe looks over at me and drags me back into the living room. “This wasn’t your doing?”
My mouth falls open at his accusation. “No! Why would I be here if I planned on attacking? I swear you men don’t use your brains at all.”
Footsteps echo through the foyer, growing louder as they get closer to the living room. Uncle Tony appears at the doorway. “We need to get out of here. What the hell are you involved in?”
Giuseppe frowns and pulls out a gun from his waistband, pointing it at Uncle Tony. “This has to be coming from your side.”
AJ steps to the side of his father, pointing a gun at Giuseppe. “Bullshit. Our guys were on lookout and now they aren’t answering their phones. What did you order your guys to do?”
Giuseppe takes a few steps forward. “Why the fuck would I tell my men to attack my house? Do you know how rare this marble flooring is?”
I step between the men. “If none of us are responsible for this, then who is?”
Jax runs into the room. “We have company, and a lot of it. I’m heading upstairs.”
“Who?” I ask as he turns around and runs out of the room.
I follow him into the foyer, but he’s long gone.
Where are the stairs?
Looking out the large hole where the front door used to be, I watch, frozen in my spot, as men dressed in all black shoot at one another.
Is this a Marino versus Rossi fight, or is there more going on?
Gunshots and explosions rock the house. A bullethits the chandelier, shattering a bulb and several crystals right over my head.
Men scatter and yell as they try to prepare for the inevitable attack. Giuseppe runs through the foyer, escaping deeper into the house.
Uncle Tony pulls me back into the living room as bullets continue to whizz past us. The living room windows shatter.
“Fuck.” He yells out, causing me to spin around just in time to see blood soaking through the sleeve of his shirt and running down his arm.
AJ pulls us in the same direction Giuseppe ran in, ducking into a small alcove. “We need to find a way out. We can’t be sitting ducks here.”
“Good idea. I need to find Jax and Giuseppe. I need answers about Mom.”
“Frannie, those answers can wait.” AJ yells as a loud crash happens above our heads.
What the hell is happening upstairs?
“No, they can’t!” I yell back.
I need to know the truth. I need to know what happened all those years ago.
Uncle Tony chimes in. His tone is slightly calmer than AJ’s. “What good are the answers if you get yourself killed?”
I drop my gaze to the floor, unable to look at them or else I might let them convince me to leave now. “At least I’ll die knowing the truth. I need to know. I’ll meet you on the road at the mailbox in fifteen minutes.”
Without their approval, I pull out my gun andcontinue through the house. If Giuseppe and Jax went this way, maybe I will get answers from both of them.
As soon as I make it to the second floor, my heart races and time seems to slow down.
Two pairs of emerald green eyes look my way, raising their guns toward me.
The loud bang from a gun going off rings in my ear before pain rips through my leg. My leg buckles, unable to bear my weight before I collapse on the ground.