Page 11 of Sinful Secrets
I quirk my eyebrow to keep the shock off my face. “Oh, yeah?”
Is he just saying that because I mentioned how hot I think he is?
Or does he find me attractive, too?
“I’d be perfectly fine with skipping dinner just to show you what I think, but we will need the extra calories if we go down that road.”
Just the thought of the things he could do to me cause my heart to race and moisture to gather in my panties. “Oh, so you think you’re going to get lucky tonight?”
His blue eyes darken as a smirk forms on his face. “I’d be a lucky asshole if I did, but I just want to take you out to dinner.”
“Then let’s go.”
I wrap my arm around him and let him lead me to the front of the museum.
Alvin takes one look at the two of us and grins. “I knew you two would find each other eventually.”
I chuckle. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’re going to dinner. I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Alvin nods before glancing at Spencer. “Don’t be out too late. I hear it’s a full moon tonight.”
He laughs at the joke, clearly understanding what Alvin is talking about.
“Werewolves are afraid of the full moon, Alvin, not regular wolves.”
Alvin glances toward me, as if he’s wanting confirmation. I nod, confirming what Spencer said was true.
“Well, damn. I’ll try better next time. Enjoy your dinner. I’ll see both of you later. Be safe out there.”
It sounds more of a warning, but who is he directing that to? Me or Spencer?
Like a true gentleman, Spencer helps me down the stairs, pausing as we get to the sidewalk.
“So, umm,” I pause, trying to get my words right.
How do people do this? It seemed a lot easier with Connor. But then again, we never drove anywhere together. We always just met up wherever we were going.
Spencer spins around to face me. “Yes?”
His expression is calm and caring, and it makes me feel bad for even wanting to ask him the question on my mind, but I ask anyway. “Would you think it’s rude for me to drive separately? It’s just that I just met you and-”
He cuts me off. “It’s not rude, and I don’t think anything about it except that you are thinking about your safety and your ability to get home safely.”
Really? He’s not insulted?
He wraps his arm back around my waist. “Come on. I can at least walk you to your car. Now, which one is yours?”
I point to my car when we get closer to the parking lot. “The nitrous blue Ford Focus.”
“Nitrous blue?” He chuckles.
Rolling my eyes, I smile and say, “That’s the official paint color name, according to the owner’s manual.”
“You could just say blue.”
“But blue encompasses so many different hues. If I say blue, you could think it’s sky blue, royal blue, sapphire blue, or even turquoise.”
“That’s true, but as soon as you say Ford Focus, then anyone with half a brain would know that it’s the patented Ford Focus blue.”