Page 119 of Sinful Secrets
“Well, that wasn’t pleasant.” I say with an awkward chuckle.
Rhett clenches his jaw before heading back to his truck. The three of us follow him. I help Savannah into the backseat before joining her.
She reaches over and wraps her hand in mine, lightly squeezing.
Looking over, I see the questions swarming in her eyes.
How mad is Arturo?
Are we safe?
What’s going to happen?
Will tonight be our last night together?
I wish I could answer her, but I can’t. I don’t know what’s going to happen. All I know is I’m at the top of Arturo’s shit list, and that’s not a place I ever wanted to be.
I give her hand a light squeeze in response. No matter what happens, I love her.
As soon as we park in the parking lot, we make our way to the meetup spot in the square. Everyone is already here, standing around and waiting for us. Arturo immediately breaks us into groups.
“Montgomery and Reed, you’ll be taking the north side of the docks.” He glances around the group. “You will be paired with the women you brought along.”
I’ve heard him annoyed and pissed off before, but tonight, he’s worse than ever. I can’t blame him, though. Francesca and Savannah were not part of tonight’s plan.
Francesca deserves to be here, but Savannah is still so new to things that she shouldn’t be here. At least not yet. Hell, I haven’t even seen her in action.
Add to the fact that I told everyone to cut her off and then I show up tonight with her. It’s no wonder Arturo is pissed.
And confused.
And feeling like he’s lost control of everyone and everything.
He clears his throat. “What are you all waiting for? Get moving.”
Rhett, Francesca, Savannah, and I head toward the north side of the port, where they store the shipping containers. We stick close to the buildings, opting for the shadows.
We get into position, with the women safely on top of a shipping container and Rhett and I hidden among pallets. I unholster my gun and keep it at my side.
“Incoming.” Francesca whispers down to us a second before headlights of several cars pull into the port.
From our hiding spots, it’s hard to see how many there are, but several headlights turn our way, indicating that some of them are heading this way.
“Shit. There’s no reason for them to come down here. The ship is docking down at the other end.” I murmur to Rhett, who is already gesturing for Francesca to get down.
At least the road is partially blocked by another shipping container.
“It’s not safe for me to get down right now. I’ll get down on Savannah’s end.” Francesca disappears from view, but we can hear her utility belt scraping along the top of the shipping container.
Rhett squats down next to me. “I’m glad we chose to be this far from the road. Having several shipping containers blocking us from the road might be the lifesaver we never knew we needed.”
I can’t reply because the cars turn onto the road and slow down as someone in the backseat shines a flashlight toward us. Rhett and I freeze as we hunker down.
“All clear.” A man yells before the two cars continue to move through the shipping containers.
“It’s a damn good thing there aren’t any lights over on this end of the port.”
Rhett glances around. “The darkness might actually be in our favor since we already have our night eyes.”