Page 130 of Sinful Secrets
She links her arm with mine. “Please. Do I need to beg? Because I will. Tell me something; anything. Is he adventurous? Does he have any weird fetishes?”
I glance at her husband before turning back to the game. “Fine. I will tell you, but you can’t repeat it to any of the others.”
With her pointer finger, she crosses her heart. “I swear.”
I let out a sigh and say, “He is adventurous and very giving. He opened my eyes to things I never dreamed I’d like. He doesn’t have any weird fetishes, but I think he might be a masochist. He loves tying me up and-”
Our conversation is cut off by the buzzer sounding. The fans stand and cheer as the guys congratulate one another on yet another win.
Spencer glances my way before taking the tunnel back to their locker room to shower and change.
“Come on.” Christy pulls me down the steps.
“Wait.” I bend down and pick up my skates before allowing her to pull me back to our locker room.
Christy and I are the only ones in the locker room. She points to my flowers. “May I?”
She picks up the flowers and inhales their sweet scent. “He sure can pick them out. Are these apology flowers or just because flowers?”
“Just because.”
The locker door opens as voices drift inside.
One of the other rookies sits down on the bench across from me and asks, “So, how’d you and Spencer Reed meet?”
Why does she want to know?
“We met at a museum.”
She scoffs, as if she doesn’t believe me. “And you immediately knew who he was, right?”
I shake my head. “Actually, I didn’t find out who he was until the day of auditions.”
Her eyes widen for a moment as she glances at the woman sitting next to her. “Were you already dating him when you came to auditions?”
Does it really matter?
“Yeah, we had already gone on a few dates, but he didn’t know I was trying out for the ice girls and I didn’t know what he did for a living.”
“And he didn’t tell you who he was? That’s a huge red flag.”
Christy clears her throat and stands up for me. “No, it’s not a red flag. He wanted to make sure she was in it for all the right reasons. Which obviously she was and is, because they are still together.”
“Dating a player or any staff member is against the rules. You could get fired.”
I shrug. “Well, that’s out of my control. I’m not going to let it dictate my happiness.”
Christy grins and says, “Yeah, because who would break up with a professional hockey player for a part-time job?”
Another ice girl chimes in. “Girl, you need to let him knock you up as fast as you can. Then you will be set for life.”
My mouth falls open slightly. I can’t believe she would suggest this. Seriously, who thinks like this?
“I’m not going to get pregnant just to trap him.” I bark out, with a hint of anger in my tone.
The locker room goes silent as we stare at one another. No one says anything.