Page 15 of Sinful Secrets
“I’m on the front side of the building. Second floor. Suite 2C.”
He smirks, as if he knows how nervous I am right now. “Lead the way.”
He snatches my food container from me and wraps his arm around my waist.
“So gentlemanly.” I tease as I snuggle closer into his side.
“You might not think so in a few minutes.”
I gulp loudly as I use my key fob to enter the building. “You keep saying things like that, and I don’t know if I should cower in fear or come in my shorts.”
He leans closer to me. His warm breath tickles my ear as he whispers, “You should come in my mouth and then on my cock.”
My face flames at the dirty blunt words coming out of his mouth.
I’ve never been one for dirty talk, but holy hell, Spencer may convert me. I can listen to him all night.
“Don’t turn shy now.”
“I’ve always been this way. I’m not as verbally open as you clearly are.” I say as we enter the elevator.
He pulls me closer to his side. “We will just have to change that.”
“We will? Why?”
“Because it’s hot when a woman tells me exactly what she wants. It turns me on when a woman uses words like cock and pussy. And I really want to hear you moan my name as you come for me.”
I have to fan my face to keep from passing out. “You must be living in fantasyland. No woman I know talks like that.”
“You’d be surprised at what women say in the midst of an orgasm. Usually, the most reserved women are the loudest and dirtiest.”
As we step off the elevator, he whispers, “And I’ve heard that redheads are the wildest.”
That’s so not true with me. I’m not wild and crazy.
I don’t vocalize what I really want or need.
And I definitely do not use words like cock and pussy.
When I don’t say anything, he pulls me toward my suite and says, “I’ll get it out of you one way or another.”
The suite is dark and quiet, like no one is home.
“My room is this way.” I say after I put my food in the refrigerator.
As soon as we walk through my open bedroom door, his lips are on mine and his tongue is seeking out mine. His hands roam down my sides, reaching for the button of my shorts.
With expert precision, he removes my shorts and panties before reaching for the hem of my shirt.
I break the kiss and pull my shirt over my head as he reaches around to unclasp my bra and pulls it down my arms.
How am I already standing here naked in front of him and he’s still fully clothed?
I grip the hem of his shirt and slowly lift it as I ogle the expanse of grooves and muscles.
He picks me up and throws me on my bed before pulling me down toward the edge, opening my legs wide.
“Keep your legs open, or I’ll stop.” His breath on my most intimate area causes my legs to close.