Page 20 of Sinful Secrets
Arturo nods. “Alright. Everyone, keep your phones handy in case someone gets a lead.”
I say a quick goodbye to everyone before heading to my car. The parking lot is empty except for a handful of cars belonging to the arena staff and the few players still inside.
By the time I get inside The King’s Empire, Chase is double fisting beers and getting a lap dance from one of the regular dancers, Emily.
She works for Arturo on the side and sells more product than any other person we have employed.
She gives me a smile and a small wave as I sit down next to Chase.
Chase downs the first beer. “About damn time you showed up.”
I shrug and take a beer from one of the wandering waitresses. “I had other business to attend to.”
My gaze catches Emily’s and she gives me a slow nod that Chase completely misses. It’s a damn good thing too because he’s the last person I want finding out about the side business.
He runs his mouth too damn much, and even though we have the police in our pockets, we don’t have the feds. And if they get a whiff of what’s going on, then it’s going to be hell trying to get them to stop investigating.
“I’m going to walk around the club and see what I can find.”
I head straight to the bar where Gage Roberts is sitting. He’s been different lately. More reserved and not as happy. Rumor has it that he and Rhett had some sort of falling out, but neither one of them has said anything if it’s true or not.
Gage immediately greets me. “Hey man. Nice shot tonight.”
He smiles, but it’s not as big and welcoming as it used to be.
“Thanks. It was just a lucky shot. What’s been going on with you? I haven’t seen you much lately.”
He glances away, setting his gaze on the stage where Emily is just starting her normal routine. “I’m just trying to wrap my head around some things.”
“Is there anything you want to talk about? I’m more than just an alternate captain for the team. I’m your friend.”
He scoffs and grabs his beer. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, too, but you, Joey, and Rhett seem to be better friends with each other than you are to me.”
He walks away and dips into one of the private rooms before I can wrap my head around what he just said.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I mumble to myself as I grab my phone to send a group text to Joey and Rhett.
Anyone have any idea what’s going on with Gage? He’s pissed and seems to be under the impression we aren’t his friend anymore.
After a few minutes, Rhett responds.
He feels like he doesn’t know what’s going on in our lives anymore because we’ve been busy with other business and leaving practice early.
Damn it. I knew shit like this was bound to happen when Arturo only picked us and didn’t include Gage.
It’s not like we can tell him where we go or what we do.
Rhett sends another message.
I’ve already told him I can’t tell him what’s going on, but when I can, I will.
An idea pops into my head.
What if we bring him in on things? We need the extra manpower, and he’s more than capable of handling anything we encounter. He won’t gossip either, so it’s a win-win.
I stare at my phone for several moments, hoping Joey chimes in with a go ahead, but nothing.
No texts.