Page 33 of Sinful Secrets
Fall in line and do as I’m told. That’s the way it is in the mafia. But that doesn’t mean I can’t talk to Gage and hint at what is going on. Maybe if we can get his anger under control, Arturo will change his mind.
Now that I have a plan in my mind, I need to find the best opportunity to execute said plan.
Chapter Seven
Project Runway has always beenmy guilty pleasure. I watch hours upon hours of the show each week. I even watch the old seasons when I run out of new episodes.
It cheered me up when I was down. It gave me inspiration. And it helped me keep my dream alive.
I click the button on the remote to start the next episode before adding more glass beads to my now empty tray.
Project Runway also helps keep my mind occupied while I have to do monotonous tasks like hand beading a clutch that’s due tomorrow.
I look down at my work.
It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.At this rate, I will finish around one or two in the morning and head to class at eight.
Getting up and heading into the kitchen, I grab a soda from the refrigerator and a small bag of cookies.
“If I’m going to get this clutch done tonight, then I’m going to need the temporary sugar rush.”
The front door opens and giggles fill the air. There’s only one person who that can be- Justine.
And based on the tiny moans coming from her, I’d say Connor is also here.
Just shoot me now. I cannot deal with them being together like that while trying to finish my homework.
Justine yelps before a crash sounds.
My beads.
I run into the living room and see Justine and Connor laying on the couch, laughing and playfully kissing one another. My clutch is nowhere to be seen and my beads are all over the table and presumably the carpet.
Those are tiny beads. It’s going to take me forever to find all of them.
Anger fills my veins at their disregard for my stuff. “You knocked over my beads. They are everywhere! And I’m assuming you’re laying on my beaded clutch that has a needle in it.”
Their giggles die down and Connor reaches underneath Justine. She giggles as his hand grazes her side. Pulling out my clutch, he hands it to me and I immediately check for the needle.
Great. There’s no needle and several missing beads.
I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart and say, “The needle is missing as well as several beads.”
Justine glares at me. “You can check later. We’re busy.”
I pause the episode of Project Runway and yank Connor off Justine.
“What part of there’s a missing needle, don’t you understand? Do you want to end up in the hospital because you’re too selfish to stop sucking face with my ex and look for the damn thing?”
She purses her lips and sits up, but I don’t let her speak.
“And if you’d take your head out of your ass for ten seconds, you’d see I was working here first.”
“Well, we are here now. Can’t you do your crafts in your room?”
“No! This isn’t a hobby, nor is it crafts. This is for my design class. All of my stuff is laid out perfectly here, and I’m watching my show.”