Page 46 of Sinful Secrets
“So, mentor, what’s a trick to skating faster?”
“Honestly, what I do is go skating.”
“You just come here and skate?”
“No. Well, yes, I do that, too, but I was referring to inline skating. The better and faster you can skate on rollerblades, the better you will be on ice skates. We will just have to teach you how to stop if you ever skate fast.”
“I used to rollerblade all the time growing up.”
It was the only way I could get away from home quickly and quietly.
“Alright, well, let’s see what you’ve got.”
I go through skating and balance drills before we practice showmanship as a group. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
“You’ll get used to it.”
If I get the job. These women are incredible. One was even spinning in circles like a figure skater.
The head lady with the clipboard from earlier clears her throat and gets our attention.
“Alright, now that you’ve practiced a bit, we are going to split you into groups and start the auditions. Remember to smile and just be yourselves. If you don’t make the team this year, please come back and try out next year. We are always looking to expand our team.”
I rub my sweaty palms on my fleece lined leggings.
All I can do is my best and pray I’m good enough for the Sharks.
When my name is called, I skate over to where my group is, and listen to our leader.
“Being an ice girl isn’t all fun and games. We have to be prepared to clean the glass, shovel dirty and bloody ice, roll up and move the large rubber mats, as well as deal with misogynistic drunk men. So if you can’t handle a little work with your fun, please save us all time and leave right now.”
To my surprise, a couple of women leave. Murmurs echo throughout the arena as if everyone is surprised.
I don’t mind a little hard work, especially if it means I get to see Spencer in his element.
I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I can’t be thinking about Spencer. My focus needs to be on this audition.
The leader gives us our instructions before setting us on our tasks. We skate around our quarter of the ice and try to interact with the fake crowd. I plaster on the biggest smile I can and try to enjoy the experience.
The audition goes by way too fast. I guess the saying is true. Time flies when you’re having fun.
I take my skates off and put them back where I got them from before following the crowd to the conference room.
Someone stops me before I enter the room.
Turning around, I see it’s another team leader. “How did you get so good at skating? You were one of the best ones out there today.”
Really? There was a woman skating just as good as a figure skater.
“I don’t know. Today was my first time on the ice. I was big into ballet when I was younger.”
“Well, you rock. On behalf of the Savannah Sharks Ice Girls, I just wanted to let you know you got the job.”
“Wow, thank you so much!”
“Avery will be in touch with you to get your availability and to give you the practice and home game schedule.”
She turns around but stops. “You don’t have to go in there. That meeting is for the ones that didn’t make the team this year.”