Page 51 of Sinful Secrets
“I’ve just been busy with patrols, shipyard work, and hockey.”
I try to shrug it off and get him to drop it, but he just stares at me, waiting for me to spill my secrets.
Ah, what the hell. If anyone understands what I’m going through, it’s him.
“I met someone. You know, the one I brought onboard to sell some of the ecstasy at the club. She’s better than Emily- selling everything in under three days as soon as she gets it.”
Rhett’s eyes widen. “Wow, so it wasn’t a one time fluke.”
“Things are different when I’m around her. I feel like I have a bigger purpose in life.”
Rhett whispers, “Does your heart pound when you see her?”
“Every time.”
And that’s the truth.
“Do you want to shield her and your relationship from everyone? Including your friends and co-workers?”
I don’t know where he’s going with this interrogation, but I frown and say, “Yes.”
“Do you want to stay up all night being with her? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally?”
I roll my eyes, which earns me a chuckle.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Have you acted irrationally, aggressive, or extremely protective of her?”
“Yes, but-”
“No buts man. You’re in love.” He smiles and laughs. “I’ll be damned, but Spencer Reed is head over heels in love.”
Of course, I know that. I’ve already told Savannah I love her.
Rhett prods some more. “So who is she?”
“Who is who?” I ask, pretending to not know who he is asking about.
“The mystery woman. The woman you love.”
Francesca walks back over to us and gushes. “Who is he in love with?”
Rhett leans down to kiss her cheek before saying, “A mystery woman, who he’s protecting.”
Francesca gives me a side hug. “Well, I think it’s great he’s in love. When do we get to meet her?”
“Preferably after I tell her my true identity.”
Francesca’s eyes widen as her mouth falls open. “You lied to her?”
“No, I just told her I was in customer service.”
“She’s going to faint when she finds out you’re a professional NHL hockey player.”
I sigh. “Let’s hope not. Come on, I’m ready to get home.”
“To the woman you loooovvvvveeeee.” Francesca teases in a sing-song voice.