Page 69 of Sinful Secrets
Joey adds, “This is the last thing Dad needs right now.”
“We can keep it between the three of us for now, but he needs to know if they are investigating him.”
“They are always investigating him. He keeps the illegal stuff to just a few of his guys. You two included.”
“She doesn’t know much, at least I didn’t think she did, but now I’m not so sure.” I run my hand through my hair and blow out a breath. “Shit. I just remembered Arturo has her on the permanent delivery schedule.”
“We can take her off the list, especially if she’s relaying information to the feds.”
I slowly nod. “That would probably be for the best.”
She might be pissed, but we can’t take a chance. It’s better to have a clean cut from her rather than dragging it out.
If only there was a way to keep her from being an ice girl.
Rhett glances at his phone before saying, “The Emerald City Reapers have disappeared. No one has seen or heard from them since they confronted you and slashed your tire.”
How is that possible? We have hundreds of contacts all over the city.
“What? How? Where would they go?”
Rhett shrugs and tucks his phone back into his pants. “Somewhere underground. No one knows anything and you know word travels fast. Everyone knows there’s a new vigilante gang in town, but no one knows their true identities.”
The back door opens and Francesca and Arturo walk in.
“If this is going to take all day, whatever this is, what are we going to do about the game tonight?”
Francesca walks over to our little group. Rhett wraps his arm around her waist. “We are meeting the team at the arena in time for warmups.”
“Isn’t that cutting it close?”
Joey chimes in. “This is more important.”
Maybe for them. Being in the mafia is their past, present, and future. It’s their life, and while it’s currently my life, I don’t expect to be a major player in operations for the rest of my life.
I want kids and a family.
Well, I did want kids and a family with Savannah.
On the other hand, showing up late will keep me from running into Savannah, so that’s a plus.
Arturo clears his throat and all conversation stops. There’s only one non Savannah Sharks employee here right now, and that’s Lorenzo, Arturo’s right-hand security man.
“What I am about to say does not leave this room.”
We all nod our heads in agreement, and he continues.
“My ex-wife Elizabeth Marino and Giuseppe Rossi are in town. We have accepted their invitation for a civil sit down meeting.”
Francesca scoffs. “What? Why would we want to meet with her?”
“Because we aren’t the only ones The Emerald City Reapers are going after. I have already agreed to a temporary partnership with them until we can stop the vigilantes.”
“Mom lied to you. To us. For most of my life. She chose them, and now you want to work with them?”
Arturo clenches his jaw as his gaze wanders around the room. “So now you have something against their family? You wanted to attend their heir’s funeral while being engaged to his killer.”
I have to clamp my mouth shut, so it doesn’t fall open. I know there are no secrets in the family, but I’ve never heard Arturo speak to either of his children this way.