Page 77 of Sinful Secrets
“She’s stubborn and reckless.”
“And also our best friend’s fiance.”
“Don’t remind me.” He grumbles.
I laugh but stop as soon as his expression changes. It’s not worry, anger, or stress. It’s something different.
Sadness? Disappointment?
Either way, he seems different.
“Are you okay?”
His hand tightens around the steering wheel. “Yeah. I just have a lot on my mind.”
“About the game or your family’s businesses?”
He shakes his head. “Neither this time.”
What else could be worrying him? We were just talking about Francesca and Rhett. Is he worried about them? Sad?
Maybe it’s not them, but his lack of a partner.
“A female then?”
The corners of his lips curl up. “Possibly. Depends who’s asking.”
I scoff, pretending to be hurt. “Joey, you know you can trust me. Besides, it keeps my mind off my own woman problems, so let’s talk about yours.”
“I don’t have a problem, per se.”
“So, there’s not a woman?”
He chuckles. “No, there’s a woman. There’s always a woman. This one is different. We aren’t seeing eye to eye right now.”
“When does a man and a woman ever see eye to eye? There has to be some compromise at one point or another.”
“I have been compromising. More than I really should.”
“Well, what is she wanting that you aren’t willing to give?”
“More. She wants more.” His eyebrows narrow. “She wants more dates. More romance. More public interactions.”
“And you don’t want more with her?”
He shakes his head. “It’s too soon, and with everything going on, it’s not safe. I can’t be distracted and worried about someone else. My duty is to my father and the family. Relationships and love have to wait.”
“I can understand that.” It’s one reason I didn’t want Savannah knowing about the mafia. It puts a target on her back.
Digging my phone out of my pocket, I turn it back on to make sure I didn’t miss anything important.
My phone buzzes and nonstop chimes fill the air in the car as text and missed call after text and missed call come through from Savannah, Gage, and Lorenzo.
I don’t really want to rehash all the shit with Savannah before a game. I need to keep my head clear and my focus on playing, but the tiny voice in my head urges me to click on her name.
My finger hovers over her name.
Do I really want to do this right now?