Page 81 of Sinful Secrets
After I change into my uniform, I turn my phone off and lock it in my locker with the rest of my belongings.
Security just opened the doors for the game and guests are already filing in. Rich aromas from the concourse float through the hallways.
I smile at guests as I walk around, trying to find Avery. The blue and white ribbons in her hair stand out, making it easy to spot her standing next to the Booster Club table.
“Hey, Avery. Where do you need me?”
She spins around, grinning her normal grin. “Hey, Savannah. Come meet the Booster Club.”
She introduces me to the women before we say goodbye, and she drags me downstairs to the Zamboni tunnel.
“For the most part, this is where we work during the game. Well, and the corners.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Oh really? I didn’t see that listed in the job description.”
Her eyebrows narrow before realization hits her. Her eyes bulge and her mouth falls open. “That isnotwhat I meant, and you know it.”
I shrug. “Yeah, I know, but it was perfect timing.”
“I mean, I’ve heard rumors about the new owner, but that might be a far stretch.”
I let out a little laugh.
Those rumors might actually be true, but I’m not willing to find out.
“If those services were being provided, then I’m being severely underpaid. Maybe I need to find a sugar daddy.” Her face blushes bright red as she chuckles.
“Maybe you can find an available player.” I clamp my hand over my mouth, not believing those words just came out.
Her chuckles turn into a full on laughing fit. She wipes the tears from her eyes. “My dad would have a stroke and lock me in a tower for the rest of my life.”
“Why? What’s so wrong with the players?”
“Girl, do you not know what my dad does?”
“Uh, a security officer.”
She nods and pulls me to a more secluded area. Whispering, she says, “Yeah, for the team as well as for Arturo Marino himself. Some things Dad has had to make phone calls for in the middle of the night will make prostitution look like kids’ work.”
“Your dad told you this?”
I can’t imagine Arturo letting his employees freely talk about business. Spencer couldn’t talk to me about things, and even when he did, it wasn’t very detailed.
Maybe Spencer didn’t want to talk to me about the mafia. Maybe he doesn’t want me to know all the bad things he’s done.
“No, but I have overheard several phone conversations and put the pieces together. I tried to talk to Dad about it once, a long time ago, but he told me to stay out of it and not worry because he was being paid well.”
This is the type of information the FBI and Detective Carter wanted, but I like Alvin a lot, and would never jeopardize his career or Avery’s.
Avery glances around and raises her voice back to a normal tone and continues.
“Occasionally we help out around the arena. We help the Booster Club pack up their merchandise or help ushers bring the mascot to take pictures with kids. One time we all gathered in the stands for a proposal.”
“Wow, a proposal at a game would be pretty epic.”
“We get a couple every year. Last year, we had a group of seniors leave their prom to come to a game. They were in their ball gowns and tuxedos. The players loved it and even picked up their concessions tab.”
“That was very generous of them.”