Page 91 of Sinful Secrets
She opens her mouth to protest, but I shake my head.
“Didn’t you say you loved that I was overprotective?”
“Yes, but-”
“But nothing. Youwillstay in my apartment, even if I have to put a lock on the outside of my door.”
She swallows and nods. My dick hardens to steel, knowing that she’s going to keep my bed warm while I’m gone.
Chapter Nineteen
Cameras continueto flash as desperate paparazzi take my picture through the classroom window.
They have been following me for a few days now and, according to Spencer, they will leave as soon as they get wind of another story.
I let out a sigh.
In due time.
Times like this, though, I really hate not having blinds on our windows. Mrs. Kerry, my teacher, swears that natural light is better for designing because you can see the fabric better.
I think it’s a bullshit reason.
Mrs. Kerry glares at the men through the window before cracking it open. “What is all this about? Why are you interrupting my class?”
They ignore her, not phased at all with her annoyed tone.
Several photographers scream questions at me all at once.
“Miss Whitlock, how about an interview for the Savannah Times?”
“Miss Whitlock, how did you start dating a professional hockey player when you are still in school?”
“Miss Whitlock, what plans do you and Spencer have for the future? Will there be wedding bells in the near future?”
Ugh. They make it seem like I’m still a child and my and Spencer’s relationship is illegal. And why does me being in college getting my degree matter? Do they think I’m using him for his money?
Mrs. Kerry pushes one photographer, who is halfway through the window. “Leave, or I’ll call the police and have you all arrested.”
She slams the window and locks it, preventing them from climbing through.
Surprisingly, they turn around and walk away. No doubt waiting to ambush me after class.
“Miss Whitlock.” Mrs. Kerry says in a mocking manner. “I will not tolerate any more interruptions on your behalf. If you can’t come to class to learn, don’t bother coming at all.”
My face flames as everyone turns to stare at me.
Does she think I meant for this to happen?
Does she think I want all the attention on me and my picture to be in the tabloids?
She’s been my teacher for years. You’d think she’d know that I’m still the quiet and shy student that I have always been.
Maybe I’ve changed this year.
Maybe I’m not the same student I used to be.