Page 13 of Losing Hope
Fifteen long minutes later,Hope pushed the pantry door open and peeked her head in. “You stillhere?”
He was sitting naked and cross-legged on the blanket, his hand stuffed in a box of Froot Loops strategically placed on his lap. “You got anymilk?”
She couldn’t help the laugh that erupted. “Are you having a picnic? And I wasn’t invited?”
“You left me for Walter. It’s your own damn fault.” He winked playfully at her as he stood up. “I’m starving. You think the milk is stillgood?”
“How about you get dressed and then we can take a ride into town to deal with your car and grab some food. I know a cute cafe we can hit up.” She snaked her hand into the box and pulled out a small fist of cereal before he could close it up. Smiling, she tossed the loops into her mouth and began chewing. “You’re right; we needmilk.”
Less than thirty minutes later, after they both took a quick shower, separately, they were back in her Range Rover and on the way into town. Though it was late September, the air was pleasantly warm. The sun sparkled through the red, golden, and green leaves, creating the most brilliant color palette nature could provide.
“I should have brought my camera,” Gage murmured as he watched the blazing colors of the tree line whizby.
“We can go out later if you want, either in the boat or I know some great spots on the back roads. I should take you to this covered bridge over off Route 2. You would loveit.”
He turned his gaze from the window, an easy smile gracing his face, his eyes crinkling in delight. “That would be amazing.” His eyes swept down her form, appreciation apparent at her more relaxed state of dress of faded boyfriend jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and black sneakers. Quite a contrast, not only compared to the dress she’d been wearing when they met, but she knew she also felt more relaxed. Though they’d just met, Hope had felt a level of peace take hold of her overnight.
She turned her eyes away from the road and gave him a quick glance. “What are you staringat?”
His cheeks turned upward, again with those damn green eyes crinkling. “You seem more relaxed today. Happier.”
She met his smile with one of her own and admitted, “I am. I love it here. The lake house is where I feel most athome.”
“Why don’t you live here full time then, instead of thecity?”
She shrugged as she replied, “Work. I love that, too, and I need to be in the city most of the time forthat.”
“How often do you get to come up herethen?”
“Not as much as I’d like; that’s for sure.” She pointed out the windshield for him to look ahead. “Look, there’s the little cafe I was telling you about. It looksopen!”
“Good, because I’m starving.”
She laughed. “That seems to be an ongoing situation foryou.”
“Feed me then, woman. I am a man and need sustenance!”
They were both laughing as they rolled into the parking lot, and she slid into one of the available spots, shutting off the engine. He jumped out and made his way around to her side, pulling the door open, startling her as she gathered her purse.
“Oh!” Her eyes went from him to the door to him again. “Are you opening the door forme?”
He held out his hand to help her step out of the truck and nodded. “Don’t men usually do that foryou?”
She scoffed, “Only my paid driver.”
An odd look appeared on his face at her statement, his eyebrows raising in question. “No one? Not an ex-boyfriend?”
Now, it was her turn to raise her eyebrows and reply dryly, “Let’s not go there.” That just wasn’t a conversation she was comfortable having at the moment. Again, he pulled the door open for her and waited for her to enter first. She smiled appreciatively. “Looks like your momma raised you right.”
They were immediately greeted by a hostess upon entering, who may have had one too many cups of coffee that morning. “Well, good morning, you two! Can I get you a table? Are you wanting breakfast with us today, and is it just you two lovebirds?”
Gage took that opening to wrap his arm around Hope’s waist and pull her close to him. “Yep, just us two lovebirds this morning.” He then brushed a kiss across the top of her head, and she heard his soft inhale as if he were smelling the lemony scent of her shampoo. “We’ve worked up quite an appetite this morning.”
Hope’s eyes flew wide at the same time her mouth fell open, and she turned to gawk at him. He gave her a quick wink and pulled her to follow the waitress, who was giggling behind the menus at his insinuation. She sat them at a small table by the window, handing the menus over before scurrying back to the hostess station.
“You are wicked,” she hissed across the table, trying to suppress the grin threatening to break across her features.