Page 14 of Dirty Temptation
I shouldn’t have done that.
The same words Atlas used the night of his birthday.
Then Steve left.
After throwing up and crying for days, I finally had to tell my entire family, friends, and colleagues that the engagement was over.
Only my parents knew the truth.
That was two years ago and my while my heart is healed, I’m left with a strong sense that men can’t be trusted.
A few months after Steve left, I met Payton and we became fast friends. I never told her the truth about why my engagement ended because I was ashamed and wanted to move forward with my life without all that baggage.
I suppose I thought that if people didn’t know, then I could also forget about it.
It sort of worked.
I haven’t ever stopped thinking about it, but when Atlas said those words to me the night we hooked up, it was like,hello shame, my old friend. Welcome back.
I swore I’d never let anyone make me feel like that again.
And Atlas Montgomery did.
So I do not want to see him.
But I will show up for Payton and be the best bridesmaid she could dream of.
She’s three months pregnant, and I feel terrible that I was away so long. However, Grandpa saved me in a way. His death, as heartbreaking as it’s been, was a distraction from stupid men.
It forced me to do some self-reflection.
When I land in Philadelphia, I’ll return a new woman.
I’ve started a business.
For the past few years I’ve been working at marketing agencies gaining valuable experience. I’ve always imagined working for myself but thought it would take another ten years. With Grandpa’s money, I was able to create a website, start running some Facebook ads and now I have two clients.
And enough cash to tie me over for at least twelve months.
I don’t want to let him down.
Grandpa always told me I could be anything I dreamed of. He encouraged me to go to college and study whatever made my heart happy. So I did and that’s what led me to marketing.
After weeks of mulling over the decision of whether to put a down payment on a house or take the risk of running my own business, I chose the latter.
It was a big decision.
Mom and I were walking through Hyde Park one morning when I told her what I wanted to do.
“You know he believed in you. And Molly, just remember what Grandpa always said: failure is as much part of success as success itself is.” Mom told me.
We both smiled sadly at the memory of him.
“So you think I’ll fail?” I asked tearily.
She laughed. “No, sweetie, I think you will learn from whatever you do and honor your grandpa on your journey.”
I’m still questioning my decision, but I figure that all business owners must do that in the beginning.