Page 98 of Dirty Temptation
“Okay, I get it.”
I know Steve’s Christmas party happens a few days before the big day, and that it’s held at the Philly office, so I’m going to message him the day before and ask to meet.
If I know him—and I’m not sure I do—then curiosity will get the better of him and he’ll agree.
It’s time to put my past behind me and move on.
Whether that is with Atlas, we will have to see.
THE FOLLOWING WEDNESDAY six pink roses show up and they’re so damn pretty I can’t help but smile.
“You certainly have an admirer,” my regular courier driver says.
“He has good taste.” I grin girlishly and close the door. I can’t get the note open fast enough.
It’s crazy, like Atlas and I are living in a different decade and this is the only way we can communicate.
Even if it is only him doing the communicating.
Pink roses for my pretty girl. I think about you day and night Molly. Are you ready to be mine A xx
Happy tears prickle my eyes.
I want to be.
I really want to be.
I leap up to get my phone and stop.
Before I go to him, I need to do this. The Christmas party is next Tuesday night. When Atlas sends his rose to me next week I will call him.
I’ll either be ready or not.
I’m feeling so much better and love how Atlas has consistently shown up with his gifts each week.
He’s trying.
He’s making me feel important.
And it’s working.
This feels different. I just hope it is.
Because if I do open my heart to him and he breaks it, I’m not sure I will survive.
Nobody knows that I’ve been courting Molly via a weekly delivery of roses. I have no idea if she’s shredding them, throwing them against the wall, or loves them.
No idea.
I’m going completely by instinct here.