Page 19 of Provoked
“Better head out all the same, but circle back if you see anything suspicious on the access road.”
“Yes, boss,” Fred answers wryly with a satirical salute. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one subject to Justin’s bossiness. Fred does, after all, have considerably more experience than Justin in navigating dangerous situations. But Fred doesn’t correct him or even seem that upset so…
Before I lose my nerve, I send three of the photos to Rose, along with the snarky comment,
Look what I did on my summer vacation!
I almost didn’t include the one of the kiss, but honestly I want her opinion on all this. And I know as soon as she sees it, she’s going to call. So I head down the hall to my workroom and put on some light music to disguise the conversation. Finally, I sit down on the bed to wait impatiently.
I don’t have long to wait. It’s not more than a minute before Rose is screeching in my ear, “Ingrid Winters! What the hell is going on and why haven’t you been keeping me up to date? There’s no way you just up and married that man without something major happening first.”
I wait for her to sputter to a pause. “Margot tried to kill him, Rose. He almost died.”
She’s quiet for a long minute. “Seriously? But shouldn’t that go to the police? How is marrying him helping with that? Surely, that just makes everything worse.”
“She was trying to kill him to take over my trust, but now that I’m married, I get the money instead.”
“And so does Justin,” she responds accusingly.
“Not really. I mean yes, but he wants me to put things in place for other beneficiaries. I did suggest your baby, but he said you might not like that.” I cringe, waiting for her reply, hoping Justin got it right, and she’s not mortally offended.
“That’s a really sweet thought, Ing. But Aiden’s acceptance of me making more money than he does is already pushing the limits of his pride. Adding on a millionaire best friend funding our children probably wouldn’t go over so well. But Junior and I appreciate the thought,” she says carefully.
I sigh, silently giving Justin credit for calling that correctly. “I get it, but I reserve the right to buy Junior a pony if he or she ever asks their favorite aunt.”
Rose snickers. “Now tell me all the details. Does this mean Justin has declared his undying love for you?”
“Err, no. But I’m mildly hopeful that maybe I can convince him? Once he’s feeling better anyway. Any tips?”
“For seducing an older man who’s convinced you’re too young and gets all growly when you argue back? Gee, let me think,” I can hear her laughing with me despite the sarcastic comment. “Don’t do what I did. Because Aiden isn’t Justin. And because we got marriedafterwe worked out most of the issues.”
“So, if you were me, what would you do?”
“Maybe start with asking him what his plans are? I mean, is he going to go back to New York and leave you in Montana? Or is he thinking he’s finally got you back in his penthouse, where he wanted you all along?”
“But shouldn’t that wait until I know…”
“No, Ing. It shouldn’t. If you aren’t on the same page, then you’ll be working at cross-purposes and then there will be the big nasty blow out with lots of tears and I’m way too pregnant to come get you.”
I grin even while wiping away a tear of frustration becauseshe’s right. Ignoring the differences between us will not lead Justin and me straight to a happily ever after. But I was enjoying the fantasy, damn it.
“Okay. I know you’re right, even if I don’t like it.”
“Oh, cheer up. You’ve already done the impossible and put a ring on it.” Rose chuckles and then gasps. “Oh, fuck.”
“I think Junior doesn’t want to miss your next update. I need to go, babe. Aiden’s still at the hospital, but I think I’d better call him now!” Her voice ends in a screech of pain, and I eye the phone with concern. She’s already hung up. I bite my lip, wondering if there’s something I should do. Can do even. I don’t have Aiden’s number and I don’t know anyone in her new town. I send her a quick text.
Let me know you’re okay? And the baby?
It’s not long before I get a thumbs up, but since it’s followed by a clown face, I’m not sure if that means something or if she’s all thumbs. But at least she hasn’t hit her head.
Unconsciously I start pacing, first in my workroom, but when it’s not quite big enough, I move to the hallway. At least until Justin calls out, “Ingrid, whatever are you doing?”
He sounds both curious and frustrated, so I lean my head into his room to make sure he’s okay. He’s pushed up against the pillows a little farther than before. He looks more relaxed than he did this morning. Was he really that concerned about getting married?
“Rose is about to have her baby,” I inform him.