Page 23 of Forbidden Passion
“I hadn’t planned on attending, but if you’d like to go to some of the more entertaining events, I’m sure that I could get you on the guest list.” He still sounded patronizing, but Myala didn’t complain since he was following right along with her plans. “Is that the goal of your little eye lash fluttering moment?”
Myala gritted her teeth and forced her mouth into a smile. “Yes, Father. That’s exactly what I’d hoped for.” She hadn’t fluttered her lashes, she thought resentfully to herself, taking a sip of her coffee.
“If it means that you might find a husband that will give me grandbabies to spoil, then I’m more than happy to help.”
Myala wondered what her father would say if she tried to find a job. Then she snorted out loud. As if she were made to work at a job! She glanced at her manicure, approving of the perfect pink color. No, she wasn’t made to work at a tedious job. She was meant to be a wife and a mother. But she’d been raisedto be a wife to an important man, and there wasn’t anyone as important as their illustrious leader.
Chapter 19
“Maggie?” Ciara called out.
Maggie was sitting on what looked to be an uncomfortable stone bench and she was obviously upset. But as Ciara approached, Maggie pasted on a bright smile and stood up, hiding the tissue in the folds of her skirt.
“Ciara! How are you? You look lovely, as always.”
Ciara had donned a pink sheath dress with tan heels, wanting to be a bit less conspicuous today. Her long hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and she’d applied only minimal makeup.
“Maggie, what’s bothering you?” she asked. “The red dress is perfect for today’s events and Astra arrived late last night. She’s going to take over the party planning so that the next event will be amazing.” Gently, she touched her sister-in-law’s arm. “Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?”
Maggie laughed, but the sound came out as more of a sob. She used the tissue to dab at her nose, but she sat down. “You always look as if you’re ready to take on royalty.” Then she laughed again, leaning her head back as she closed her eyes. “Of course, youareroyalty. You’re a princess and you know exactly what to do and say in every situation.”
Ciara understood exactly what was bothering Maggie. “And you worry you’re not up to the job of being queen.” It wasn’t a question. “Do you remember last year when Sheik bin Aristi of Sidrina got married?”
More tears fell down Maggie’s cheeks. “Oh my gosh, yes! Mandy what’s her name was so beautiful! And she looked gracious and amazing as she waved to everyone cheering heron during the wedding parade!” She lowered her head into her hands, her shoulders shaking with emotion. “I’m going to ruin Ramit’s reputation as a fierce ruler by doing or saying something ridiculous, aren’t I?” She sniffed again, shaking her head. “He wouldn’t leave my side last night. I’m sure he was terrified that I’d say something wrong or laugh at the wrong joke.”
Ciara laughed, then put her arm around Maggie’s shoulders. “First of all, my brother stayed by your side because he was so freaking proud to introduce you as his wife.” She chuckled. “Also, I hate to break it to you, but Mandy tripped during her coronation ceremony.” She laughed at Maggie’s disbelieving gaze. “Yep,” she confirmed. “It’s true. She was walking up the steps and tripped on her gown. If Zahir hadn’t been holding her hand so tightly, she would have fallen on her tushie.”
Maggie laughed, covering her mouth at the outrageous story. “I don’t believe you.”
Ciara hugged Maggie. “It’s true. Mandy was a brilliant accountant. Still is, actually. She maintains her accounting business, but her team focuses more on forensic accounting now rather than tax accounting. And they have become experts at reviewing the spending accounts for the Sidrina government agencies.”
Maggie sighed heavily, but her tears had stopped. “Mandy looks like she was born into the role. I don’t think I could ever achieve that level of grace and poise.”
Ciara snorted. “Even people born into the role, like me, make mistakes.” She stood up and gestured for Maggie to follow. “Come on. You need to speak with someone.”
“Who?” she asked, standing up and, since Ciara linked her arm through Maggie’s, there was no option but to walk alongside her.
“Astra del Campo.” She tilted her head slightly. “Actually, I don’t know if Astra changed her name after she married. It’s possible she is still Astra Phillips.” She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. But you need to speak with her.”
“Goodness, no! She’s amazing! I know that Ramit hired her to quickly plan some events, but I’ve read about the parties she plans. Or used to plan. I know that she only does planning for her village now and, of course, for special requests like next weekend. But I don’t want to bother her.”
Ciara laughed, patting Maggie’s arm. “Wait until you meet Astra. You’re going to love her! She’s outrageous and so down to earth. Her sister-in-law, Bailey Larkin is coming early as well. Those two should never be alone together! They feed off of each other’s energy and odd things happen!”
Maggie offered a horrified laugh and Ciara considered that to be progress.
“Matteo del Campo and his wife, Bailey Larkin, were both invited. I don’t know when they are arriving though.” Ciara led Maggie back through the double doors. “If Astra is here, which I received word that she and her husband, the Maquesso, arrived late last night, then Bailey isn’t far behind. Oh, and I should warn you that Antonio and his brother, Matteo, both look scary and mean, but they’re actually pussy cats.”
Maggie let out another inelegant snort. “I don’t believe you! I’ve seen pictures of the brothers. They are fierce!”
Ciara chuckled. “Pussycats! I promise you!”
They stepped into the large ballroom, the same place where the gala had happened last night. Maggie stopped, her laughter dying out as she stared up at the ornately painted ceiling. “I can’t believe that, just last night, this room was filled with hundreds of guests.”
Ciara looked up as well, but she was remembering other moments. Like being in Falk’s arms. And being trapped in a closet.
A scream shattered the contemplative moment and Ciara jumped, then laughed as she watched Astra Phillips racing towards her.
“Woman! You’ve been ignoring my emails!” Astra called out, her long, dark hair streaming lose over her shoulders.