Page 3 of Haunted Happenstance
“I’m sorry, but this is a bit much for me.” Tara cautiously exits our makeshift shelter and I follow her. “If you’d like for me to sign your in-stock books, I’d be happy to, but this is all too strange. Thank you for the dr?—”
Lifting my hands in front of me in surrender, I rush out, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me. My friends are coming into town later, and my opening… Now there is a pretty author in my shop.” I bite my lip, shaking my head. “I’m cursed; it’s the only explanation.”
“More like certifiably insane,” she grumbles under her breath.
“Or that.”
Her eyes widen. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean?—”
“It’s fine.” I huff a small laugh. Glancing around the room, I have my work cut out for me. Books are scattered everywhere, trinkets and candles toppled over.
“She’s only here for one night,” a voice taunts. My internal dialogue can take a back seat, now is not the time to play. Tara already thinks I’m mad. Most people do.
Except, the voice isn’t my own; it’s an older woman’s.
Tara’s brows pinch. “How do you know I’m here for the night?”
“I don’t,didn’t. You’re only here for the night?”
“Why would you say that?I didn’t tell you?—”
“A coven only takes two witches,” the voice murmurs.
“Two?” I shout into the shop. “Not according to my PNR books!”
“Fine, you need three. That’s not the point.”
“That’s it! I’m out.” Tara pivots and makes a bee line for the front door of my shop. I can’t say I blame her, I’m a bit startled by all of this myself. She pulls on the handle, but the door doesn’t open. Examining it closer she asks mostly to herself, “Is there a hidden lock?”
“Here, allow me?” I hurry over—no need to keep this beautiful creature captive. When I try the door, it doesn’t budge.
“The Four of Wands is in play, my pets. So is the Two of Cups. She must not leave.”
“What the fuck are you going on about?” I shout to what is likely an imaginary friend. I sound more ridiculous than Anna when she was having her dreams. But, I double down. “Cups and wands? It’s not a bloody tea party with wizards!” Lowering my voice, I ask Tara, “You heard the bit about wands, yeah?”
“Yep,” she replies two octaves higher than normal. “What the hell is happening?”
“Fuck if I know.”
Chapter 3
The last several minutes, the shop is eerily quiet. The woman’s voice hasn’t graced us with her presence again, and I still can’t manage to leave the shop. It has to be a prank someone is playing on us.
Rain begins pelting the windows of the bookstore. In an instant, the overhead lighting disappears and all candelabras are lit with dancing flames. This is beyond anything electricity could conjure, and Jen’s hands have been visible the entire time; no remote in sight.
“Two of Cups? What could that mean?” Jen asks as she begins pacing, wringing her hands. “Four of Wands… Is it a riddle? Maybe I can call Anna? She might know what it is.”
Jen rushes to the cash register to retrieve her phone, and I reluctantly follow. Curiosity is getting the better of me. She may be beautiful, but she’s also likely suffering from some sort of mental condition. Then again, perhaps I am too?
What was in that drink at the bar?
After a few swipes, she has no service. I check my phone and find I also have no internet or cellular connection. “I know this is weird as fuck, Jen, but who could be playing this joke on you? Does anyone have access to your internet router? Your front door lock?”
“You two are testing my patience. Must I do everything myself?” the omniscient voice demands.
Jen and I look to each other in horror—there’s no chance she’s in on whatever ruse is at play, or she’s an incredible actress. Across the room, a book flies off the shelf and we both only manage to see it in our periphery. Just like at the bar, I can’t tear my eyes from her. There’s a gravitational pull I’ve never felt before, and I’m less interested in the possessed book than I am in the woman in front of me.