Page 2 of Inherting the Mafia
"Do you know where he is right now?"
"Not exactly," Carmine replied, "but he was born in New York City."
"Do you know his name at least?"
Carmine cracked a smile. "Anthony D'Angelo."
Chapter One
~ Anthony ~
The small hairs on the back of my neck were standing up and I was getting a chill down my spine cold enough to make me shiver. That was never a good thing. Usually, when I felt that unsettling sensation, something bad was about to happen.
I picked up my pace, deciding that I needed to be somewhere else.
Anywhere else.
The stairs leading up to the elevated train station were just ahead. I hurried up the stairs, taking them two at a time, needing to get to the top as quickly as I could.
Once I reached the top, I scanned the platform on both sides of the track. There were a couple of people, but they seemed lost in their own world, or their cell phones.
Making sure no one was watching me, I jumped up and grabbed the edge of the overhang covering the platform and then swung my body up. I laid flat as I could on the angled metal roof and then held my breath when I heard hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.
A smirk crossed my lips when two men came into view. What was strange about them was not the fact that they were looking for me, but that they were both dressed in dark suits.
Who stalked someone in a suit?
The bigger question here was why they were stalking me? I had no idea who these guys were. I'd noticed them following me about two days ago. At first, I had brushed it off, but after seeing them again and again, I couldn't dismiss the idea that they were watching me anymore.
I just didn't know why.
The two men could easily see that I wasn't anywhere on the platform. The only people there were all staring down at theirphones and none of them looked like me. Still, the two guys did search the platform.
Idiots should have looked up.
When they walked under the roof overhang, I couldn't see where they went or if they had left. Looking would have given my position away. Instead, I waited until the train pulled up to the platform and the doors slid open.
People climbed onboard and couple of people climbed off. I waited until the last possible second and then flipped myself down to the ground and darted onto the train. I barely made it inside before the doors closed.
I smiled and waved when I turned and saw the two guys in suits staring at me. Yeah, they hated me. I could see it in the glower on their faces.
I didn't know them so they didn't matter.
I found a seat and waited for the train to reach my station. I was so glad to be going home. It had been another long day in a line of long days, but, that was the life I lived.
Get up, go to work. Finish work, go to my second job. Finish that and go to my third job, and then finally go home and pass out until the next day when I did it all over again.
I had two full time positions and one part time position. It wasn't optimal, but I was saving up for my future. One of these days, I was going to have enough to pay for school and a better place to live, and then the sky was the limit.
Technically, I was away from my little studio apartment more than I was there. If I didn't need a place to store my stuff, wash, or catch a little sleep, I would have given it up a long time ago and lived under a bridge.
When the train finally stopped at my station, I grabbed my backpack and walked off. I made a quick scan of the platform before heading for the stairs that led down to the street level.
If those guys had been following me for a few days, they probably knew what stations I used. That also meant they probably knew where I lived. I needed to be cautious when going home. Maybe I'd take the fire escape up or jump over the rooftops. Wouldn't be the first time.
Life in New York City was an experience.